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Maybe it's because I was paying too much attention to the awesome audio smile.gif, but the AI put on a great show against me last night.

Playing CE, I got off to a fantastic start. I managed to bum rush the town and get possession of all of the objectives except for the hill behind (from the US perspective) the town. I got overconfident though, and the AI made me pay. I let a few of my Shermans get too close to the tree lineon the hill and they met their fate via 'schrenks.

Then I foolishly committed troops piecmeal to an "assault" on the hill. The computer put on a great display, as they chewed up my infantry. I was able to eventually dedicate another platoon to that sector, pinning down the Germans and allowing my remaining armor to hammer them to pieces.

Nevertheless, my margin of victory was cut considerable due to my foolishness and the outstanding AI. Never has being humbled been so entertaining.


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Guest Big Time Software

Hehe... Rob, I know the feeling smile.gif CM's AI sometimes lulls people into a false sense of security. You think, "OH, I can go out and crush it now!!" only to find yourself crushed instead. I think people can now understand better why attacking forces were very often happy to just sit tight after taking their objectives smile.gif

BTW, hate to break the news to you... but the chances are that you scored at least 1, but probably 2, levels of victory lower than the after action report stated. We had some bad values in there and rating is WAY too kind on the attacker.


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