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Graphic Strange Problems

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I had a PII (W98) with matrox g400 installed on it.

The first time i installed the beta demo all was right. The real probs began the next day when i launched the game again. In fact was impossible for me to see the movement lines, the explosions, the HQ's lines, and, in general, all the game vectors. In this way was impossible to see the bullets and the enemy fire too. I unisnstalled the game many times and i re-installed it, but the prob wasn't solved. I tryed to change the hotkeys and navigate the map, but nothing.

Please could u tell me if it's a beta prob or what?

Hi to u all smile.gif

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Problems like this may be related to the game. However, the very often are related to driver's. I would go to your video card maker's website and download whatever the latest drivers are for your card. It would probably also help if you went to microsoft's web site and downloaded and loaded the latest version of DirectX which I believe is 7.0 something.


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