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Marketing / Number of Titles

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So what's the consensus on the new style of wargame company like Battlefront and Shrapnel? Do we think that enough of these companies are going to be around and do well enough to increase the numbers of titles available back up the levels they once were?

CM is one of the biggest events, as far as entertainment goes, recently (to me). Problem is best I can tell it may be two years or so afterwards before an event half as exciting occurs.

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Guest Big Time Software

I think the total number of titles will increase. In fact, the total already has smile.gif Just think of how many wargames are being released this year by the established game companies? Not many. In fact, less than last year. So simply releasing Combat Mission would increase the total smile.gif Seriously, over time we expect the number of wargames to SLOWLY increase. As more wargamers come onto the Net to find wargames it should increase even more.


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Good, I remember once upon a time SSI would release a dozen or so games a year. Comparatively, there is slim pickings today. I do realize that with the extensive scenario editors etc. more can be modeled with fewer games. However, I kind of miss having several games to look forward to in the same time frame that we can only expect one or two today.

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Guest Big Time Software

That's a good point about the scenarios. Back in SSI's golden age some of the games they sold were nothing more than a database change between releases. TOAW, for example, simulates what a dozen would have back then. But like you say, there should be choices. There shouldn't be just ONE Western Front wargame released in a year smile.gif


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There seem to be some topics that have been avoided for many years too. I hope this changes. One example is, to my knowledge there hasn't been a good WW2 tactical naval turn-based game in a very long time. I like Fighting Steel, but I wish it had been something other that RTS. I say it like that since pure turn-based just isn't the best way to go, like you guys are proving. Also where are the Grand Strategy games, the operational naval games etc.? Too bad that two guys can't do the work of twenty, because I know you guys would do a real bang up job on anything you tackled.

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If I could pick one subject to be handled by the industry (given that CM is already on the way), it would be a strategic level WWII game. I'm thinking of something along the lines of Avalon Hill's "Rise and Decline of the Third Reich". Modeling economics, SAC, ASW, Lend-Lease, Murmansk convoys, diplomacy, technology, etc. -- as well as military strategy -- makes for an excellent game. Third Reich is the only game I have played that modeled the difficult trade-offs Hitler faced in trying to stay viable in North Africa with so many other demands being placed on his resources. When you factor in the unreliability of the Italians it gets very interesting indeed.

Anyway, this would require an engine quite different from that of CM. However, Impressions is working on a strategic engine to handle the American Civil War (CWG3). Based on the quality of the 2 predecessors ( wink.gifto Steve), I expect them to do a good job with the strategy engine. Maybe they would be willing to stretch it into a WWII setting. Might just be wishful thinking. That is a nice idea though -- BTS cranking out tactical, front line games like CM and Impressions cranking out strategic, global games like a WWII equivalent of CWG3. A feller can dream can't he?!


The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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That idea sounds great to me. Once upon a time Avalon Hill had two board games (Advanced Third Reich was one of them and there was one about the Pacific that I can't remember the name of) that could be combined to do the whole war. I always wanted to do that, but we know what it can be like to actually sit across the table from you for something like that.

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