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Old times...

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I just read the battle reports on TGN. Anyone remember the old days, when some of us played Panzer Strike on the C64? This was a great game for its time, but I am sure, most of us dreamt about a game with 3D and details to make a grognard happy and a challenging AI. And suddenly its here!

Thank you Bigtime, and this was only possible because it is from wargamers for wargamers. And I'm sure that after the release of CM, the community will say hello to some new wargamers!

To be honest, as an old SL player (not ASL) I was not this happy when hearing that you move to 3D and simultaneous execution. But, ok, you were right and I was wrong ;)

I guess, this game will be a milestone and it will have a great influence an all wargames to come. And it shows one thing; you don't need a big company which puts all bucks in ads and hype, but you need dedicated and highly skilled people to create such a game.

So thanks again Bigtime, for something which looks like a wargamers dream come true and I hope (and I am sure) you will sell lots of games.

Keep up the good work


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Guest KwazyDog

I think it was on the C64, wasnt it? I was hoping Steel Panthers would be a modern remake of it, but was very dissapointed when I found it to be IGO-UGO...

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 08-27-99).]

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