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Qucik PBEM Query

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This has probably been answered before but after hours of ceaseless searching I couldn't find any previous posts.

I've just started my first PBEM game. Setup files were exchanged, no problem. I received the first movie and returned - again no problem. However, when I received the next turn I expected for it to be to be for my Turn 2 orders which would then create a movie which I would send on. However, what I got was the Turn 2 MOVIE - i.e. I had no chance to issue any turn 2 orders. Neither did I get asked to issue any turn 3 orders.

Oh BTW CM crashes everytime I end a PBEM phase and I have to reboot. I know this is a bug but does it happen ALL the time. I don't really relish the fact of having to rebbot my computer after every turn if I've got 5 PBEM games on the go.

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For a possible solution to your problem, check out:


From a previous topic:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>With emails indicated by the dashed lines, the current sequence is:

A - Setup


B - Setup

B - Orders


A - Orders


B - See Playback


A - See Playback

A - Orders



Thus there are times when you only see the movie or only give orders before sending the email to the other guy.

-John Hough

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I know the above is the sequence that is SUPPOSED to happen but it hasn't in this case. We have got to the A sees playback, A issues orders. However, instead of B issues orders I see a playback of the orders he's just issued with NO input from me at all. It just opens up already in the movie. As I saw it I should have issued orders then sent the resulting file for him to view the movie etc.

I can't believe I only get to issue orders every other turn. Have we done something wrong somewhere?

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Guest Robert Hall

I am Gary's pbem opponent and can shed more light on this strange(?) problem.

I watched the turn 1 movie AFTER Gary had seen it (136K file size). Then as player A, I issued my new orders for turn 2 and sent the file back to Gary. But at the end of my turn, I now realise I must have generated a new movie file because the file I sent back to Gary was 136K in sze again. So he saw a movie for turn 2 where he had no opportunity to issue orders. He sent it back to me, I then watched the turn 2 movie - it seemed fine to me and my troops correctly carried out my orders for turn 2 as issued - and I have now just issued new orders for turn 3 and the file I'm sending Gary is just 13KB in size ie correctly no movie.

Seems strange. Is this a known pbem quirk?


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I think this happened to me once, and I believe it was because I was unfamiliar with the system. When I clicked "Done" after watching the movie, I clicked "Go" thinking that all I was doing was watching the movie that turn when in fact, if the "Go" button is there it means it's time for you to issue orders. Once you're done with your orders, THEN hit "Go".

This lost turn is of course the reason I'm taking such a beating... wink.gif

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Guest Robert Hall

Now I have had exactly the same thing happen in a second pbem game on Chance Encounter - no spoilers please, this is a blind play!

Sequence is as follows:

A SetUp


B SetUp

B Orders T1


A Orders T1 (and generates movie)


B View Movie T1


A View Movie T1

A Orders T2 (and generates movie!!!)


B View Movie T2

Again, exactly as before in Riesberg, B has not had a chance to issue Turn 2 Orders - somewhat critical possibly that he does so in Chance Encounter in the light of what happened!!

I then set up an email with myself on Riesberg. At the end of A issuing Turn 2 orders, correctly NO movie was generated unlike the "real" pbems where it was.

The only difference in the 2 "real" pbem plays as opposed to the one with myself was that in the "real" pbems as player A, I "saved" the game to a file after watching the movie Turn 1 and pressing 'Done' and also at the end of the Orders phase in case I wanted to return to the start of my orders phase or anything became screwed up at the end of the turn - there are various reports of PCs locking at the end of the pbem turn and I had it happen once and these two games are my first pbems. I used one or other of the saved files before ending my turn.

I then carried out more tests on the Chance Encounter pbem:

1. Played movie 1as A, issued no orders as A, pressed Go. Did this 6 times and each time no movie was created. Correct.

2. Loaded saved file, saved at end of movie 1 after pressing Done. Did this 6 times and each time movie 2 was created. Incorrect.

2. Loaded saved file, saved at end of A issuing Turn 2 orders before pressing Go. Did this 6 times and each time movie 2 was created. Incorrect

Looks like use of these save files is associated with the problem of incorrect movie generation.

So I then returned to my "real" Chance Encounter pbem and watched the turn 1 movie again - what a movie, I could watch that any number of times <G!> - and gave my Turn 2 Orders. At the end of the Orders phase I just saved the turn but did NOT use it or reload it. I then hit Go and correctly NO movie was generated so I popped it in an email back to my opponent. Then I reloaded the saved file, created just before hitting Go, and incorrectly a movie WAS generated. Pretty conclusive proof in my view using a Saved file can seriously damage your opponents health in Pbem!!

Appreciate a response from BTS or someone who has experienced a similar problem. I have kept all appropriate files. Apologies if this has been already corrected, but I could not find reference to it anywhere.


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