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Sound Issues?

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I'm not sure if this is a problem or just the way that CM is designed, but...

I only get extremely muffled sound effects. This is mainly evident in the fact that I hear virtually no small arms fire, and large caliber weapons make only muffled "pfft" type sounds.

I thought that it may have been due to the scale, but if I lock on to a tank with camera 1 while it fires its main gun I still hear nary a sound. The odd thing is that the engine and tread sounds are excellent. Similarly, the sound of a tank going up in flames is clear as a bell, while 105 shells exploding around a unit make no sound at all.

My system:

Dell P3 500

Turtle Beach Montego II A3D Sound Card

Diamond Viper 32 Meg V770 Graphics Card

Any ideas???

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I have almost exactly the same system as you (Dell P3 550) and have had nary a problem with sounds. Do you have DirectX 7? If so, you might want to go to the Dell site and download the latest drivers for the Montego...


Jon Johnson

Steel Lightning Productions

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Guest Mikeman

Just a note for all of you who may be considering upgrading your sound card for CM. Don't order it on the net through PCWonders.com! Their prices are highly competitive, but I ordered one with a credit card 6 weeks ago and they haven't even processed it yet! To make matters worse it costs $25 to cancel your order + a restocking fee! Also, the product is shipped even if you cancel within hours of ordering. You have to send it back to them and pay postage both ways. GEEZ!!!

Mikeman out.

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I am getting the same thing. Machine can barely be heard if at all, and the main guns are very soft. I have not heard a human yet. I have a MX300 with the latest reference aureal drivers. As a note, I changed from 4 speaker support [Yes Steve and Charles, there are a lot of us out here with 4 speakers] and will try with 2 speakers. Don't delay the game for the 4 speakers, but please put it on the Wish List.

I also notice the people that are haivng problems with sounds, all the cards are Vortex 2 chipsets. Turtle, mx300, others...


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Ok, I've upgraded from DirectX 6 to DX7. I've downloaded and installed an upgrade for my Turtle Beach Montego II sound card. I've tried all the different resolutions, and I tried to disable my Diamond Viper 3D card. I've still got the sound issues.

It's not that I'm not still playing the demo 24-7, because I am and I'm loving it. I'm just trying to dot the "i's" and cross the "t's".


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The only other thing that I can suggest is to check and make sure that your speakers are plugged into the correct place. There are usually 2 places that you can plug your speakers into on the soundcard. One is for powered speakers and the other is for non-powered speakers. If you have the Altec Lansing speaker system, plug the speakers into the hole closest to the gameport connector.


Jon Johnson

Steel Lightning Productions

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