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Any "Newbie" options in CM?

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I am very new at this. Will there be any options in Single Player mode to turn off Fog of War, and Reveal the entire Map, like in many other games? Also, & I'm not looking for flaming here, but, will there be any cheat codes for "Single Player" in CM? Again, I'm talking about for us newbies. I'm sure you veteran gamers don't need this stuff. wink.gif


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Guest KwazyDog

Hi Mike. Good questions actually, I imagine this game will get more than one people formerly unaware of wargames interest in the genre. I doubt if there will be any cheats smile.gif, but the entire map is visible the to the play. As for fog of war, Im not too sure, I havnt read any mentions of it being able to be turned off. Some newbie options probably wouldnt be a bad idea.. smile.gif

Hope you enjoy it Mike.

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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Mike,

Don't worry, those are not stupid questions by a long shot. As KwazyDog said, the whole map is visible for the entire game from start to finish. Hadn't thought about having a feature to see all enemy units as our fog of war is central to game play. Not only from a realism standpoint, but also from an atmospheric one. When you start to see little symbols coming around a bend, then watch them turn into generic gray tanks, and then fire at you... it is really something wink.gif But the suggestion is not a bad one and will shoot it over to Charles.

As far as cheat codes go, there will be none. I can't think of any wargame, for that matter, that has cheat codes (well, at least the way I picture them). There will be different levels of AI player, and you can certainly make/play scenarios where the other player is at a disadvantage.


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Guest KwazyDog

I guess you could add in some options like making the troops morale much harder to deplete, make weapons more damagine, etc. Im not sure how hard this would be to implement though....

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Yes, thanks for mentioning those suggestions too, KwazyDog. I had forgotton about those. I know the recently released Steel Panthers WW2 has the ability to turn off or on a whole bunch of realism choices. And, that comes in handy for those of us who are new at this. wink.gif

I get zapped in a game when I have the aid of features like that. My gameplay would be a joke if I "only" had the option of 100% realism. And, then it would stop being fun. wink.gif


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Ah, you'd be surprised how much fun it can be to get your butt well and truly kicked in a good game..

Anyways, I think CM will have enough simple scenarios to ease you in to things when you start. FOW really does enliven a game (although I know its tough to get used to at the beginning).

Still, for newbies I'd imagine having a moronic AI would give them the intro they need to figure out exactly how FOW works without being immediately over-run by tough Panzergrenadiers.

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Guest Big Time Software

It is not technically possible for us to dumb down the units and combat equations. They are far too complex to do that. However, having a dumber AI and fog of war lifted will be a huge benefit. Couple that with scenarios designed for newbies (or modified by changing troop quality, adding reinforcements, etc) you should be all set. Oh, and we are pretty sure we will make it so that the Human can see all of the AI's units, but the AI can only "see" what it spots. This will be another HUGE advantage.


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Steve, yes, those options you mentioned will make it just perfect to learn the ropes. To have the "option" to turn off Fog of War, so I can see AI Units & also be able to set the AI to "DOH" setting would definitely help me get going. wink.gif I'll worry more about realism when I get better. And as Fionn said, I'm sure I'll have plenty of chances to enjoy getting my butt kicked in the beginning even "with" those settings. wink.gif


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It might also be good if there was a slight way of balancing human-vs-human games. Its nice to be able to play your non-obsessed-with-wargaming friends every now and then and not have to design a unbalanced scenario just to give him a fair chance.

Maybe it would be possible to make global adjustments to a force's experience level, either in the editor, or better yet in the game? I realize that you could just go in a plop down a couple of king tigers instead, but I think such obvious handicapping can ruin the thrill of victory for the lesser player. Better to do something more subtle. Additionally, by improving the newbie's force quality, you can reduce what would likely be his greatest source of frustration, those darn command lagged, unpredictable green units.


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