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General Woundwort

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Posts posted by General Woundwort

  1. Thanks Elvis, I tried to log into the help desk and it wanted my password and email and I used the one for this forum and it didn't work.  I tried to email forgotten password and nothing came back to me, and I'm locked out of my google account currently also so can't use that.

    Sorry this is difficult, just not sure how to get into these help files.

    You're right that I'm seeing a splash screen and then it crashes.  I should also mention I have the Steam version of this, not sure if that makes a difference.



  2. Still waiting to be allowed to view the knowledge base, is there some reason I'm being restricted?

    I read your Intel Graphic post and it sounds like I should be able to at least run CMBN with some glitches probably.  

    For what it is worth, I did get to the introduction screen, where it says the LOGO at least before crashing.


  3. When I run this game, I get the following error message:

    "Could not initialize graphics display, required 1024x768x32 bit color"

    I went ahead and checked "disable display scaling on high DPI settings" and the game did launch, but then it crashed instantly.

    I get the feeling since this is an older game I need the change the windows compatibility mode or launch settings, but not sure how to change it.

    I'm running Windows 7 on Dell Inspiron 620 with Intel HD 2500 Onboard Graphics.  I am going to upgrade to Windows 10 probably, but for now this game should still run easily on my system, right?

    Can anyone help me?


  4. I am running the Steam version of this game, and I get the following error message:

    "Could not initialize graphics display, required 1024x768x32 bit color"

    I went ahead and checked "disable display scaling on high DPI settings" and the game did launch, but then it crashed instantly.

    I get the feeling since this is an older game I need to change the windows compatibility mode, but not sure how to change it.

    I'm running Windows 7, Dell Inspiron 620 with Intel HD 2500 Onboard Graphics, I figure this game should run easily.

    Any advice would be appreciated!


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