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Posts posted by Sekai

  1. 56 minutes ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

    “We’ve given away just about as much as we can afford,” they added.

    “We will continue to source equipment to provide for Ukraine, but what they need now is things like air defence assets and artillery ammunition and we’ve run dry on all that.”

    What's going on with UK's artillery ammo production? Are they still sleeping on this after nearly 2 years of war?

  2. 27 minutes ago, Letter from Prague said:

    But then, what was the Western reaction to Russians blowing up the dam and then shooting and shelling people trying to save themselves from the flood?

    What will be the reaction once the nuclear power plant goes?

    Poland / Romania won't ignore radioactive clouds creeping into their territories. That's the difference, compared to the dam.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Still, it seems to me he crossed the Rubicon now. So the only way this could make any sense is if he is certain that the Russian army is so beaten that Putin is powerless to take him out. Marching on Moscow and then forcing Putin to make huge concessions after publicly calling him a traitor is a big stab at Putin's authority.

    Yes, the harm has already been done, and this kind of reputational damage is irreparable

  4. 3 minutes ago, Grigb said:

    It might be a Putin-approved performance to get rid of Shoigy and Gerasimov

    But Putin appointed them… Attack on them is an attack on Putin. Putin's reputation is in shambles. Not sure what is Prigozhin thinking here, but let's see what he does not what he says.

  5. 10 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    If this is real, and I assume some combination of NATO, and Ukrainian intelligence can check fairly well, this is the monment for Ukraine to PUSH IT. The Russians will never be more distracted than they are right now. It might also be the moment for all the deep fakes and other methods of issuing false orders to Russian units I suspect Ukraine has been working on. I am pretty sure they have been working on a lot of that.

    Exactly, this chaos could be godsend for Ukraine, stun the enemy while it's confused

  6. 15 minutes ago, DesertFox said:

    Since we talked about russian ammo quality some pages back. These are tank rounds (115mm if Im not mistaken) allegedly delivered to the orcs in Luhansk. If their arty-ammo is in an equal state of "preservation", then we might be able to draw some telling conclusions. Seems like they are scraping the barrel...





    Heh, Russian roulette, but with tank ammo. Good luck, boys

  7. 3 hours ago, Ales Dvorak said:

    Tanks sent in Ukraine won't change anything said croatian admiral Davor Domazet -Lošo in his 2 hours interview.  ( Problem - number of tanks and different systems )

    ( I can send link, but interview is in croatian language.)

    Reminds me of that particular Germany Navy Chief.


    Peacetime generals or in this case admirals truly give something to think about. They still consider Ukraine to be somewhat incompetent, even though they don't state that directly.

  8. 15 minutes ago, LukeFF said:

    Yep, and meanwhile, a small town in Ohio can't get the help it needs. 

    And before anyone says it, NO, I don't think the invasion of Ukraine by Russia was in any way legitimate. I just don't agree with the way this is all gone, throwing billions upon billions so one corrupt former Soviet republic can fight another corrupt former Soviet republic. Or so that Zelesnky and his wife can go and do a photo shoot with Vogue Magazine.

    It's a pretty ****ing sad state of affairs when our elected leaders are overly eager to send our taxpayer dollars overseas to fund yet another foreign war, but they can't be bothered with pressing issues at home (see also: East Palestine, Ohio).

    How will we respond when Russia tries to exert its influence over another former "Soviet" republic? Let's not be naive about the potential consequences

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