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Posts posted by Qassis123

  1. I run (original military 3.1.0 18Nov2000 version (and upgrade and expansion) TacOpsCav on Linux (using wine) with no problems.

    TacOps is listed (downloadable) on https://www.myabandonware.com/ . 

    NOTE: There is no such thing abandonware (it is not a 'legal term'.  The unspoken for software is still copyrighted and there is no 'permission to use' it.   

    NOTE2: On the other hand, MANY are ignored by copyright owners because it's keeping their otherwise obsolete software alive.   I tried to see if MAJ Holdridge donated or wanted to donate it but have not had a reply from him in over a decade.   He still owns the copyright.   He sent me a bunch of advance copies/CDs (military/gvt (and my) use) when this CD was new.  (Sorry, I can't send you a copy).

    Is anyone out there still using TacOps today?

    My PDF users manual in my version begins with:

    With the fielding of JANUS and the Command and Staff Trainer (CST)
    in 1995, the Army took a giant step towards making better use of simulation to
    train more effectively. The success of the Joint Command and Staff Training
    Centre located in CFB Kingston has led the Army to establish JANUS Simulation
    Centres in each of our major base locations. Use of these simulations is
    paying significant dividends. Commanders, staffs and soldiers at all levels
    are demonstrating an increased effectiveness in employing operational planning
    procedures, coordinating fire and manoeuvre and applying tactics, techniques
    and procedures. JANUS and CST have permitted the Army to conduct training
    at the brigade and division levels in simulation, when time and resource
    constraints, as well as operational commitments, have prevented it from doing
    so in the field.
    In 1999, the Army purchased and distributed a Canadian version of
    the computer program titled TacOpsCF, a tactical-level combat simulation
    that can be run on a personal computer. The intent of this purchase was to
    provide soldiers at all levels with an easy to use support tool that could be
    used to teach and practice, in simulation and at the individual level, the
    application of tactics, techniques and procedures. TacOps is not and cannot
    provide an alternative to JANUS and CST as it lacks the level of fidelity,
    particularly in terrain, offered by these simulations. TacOpsCF is, however, a
    tool that, when used with imagination, will allow soldiers who do not have
    access to JANUS and CST to conduct challenging, exciting and cost effective
    decision making and procedural training at the unit and sub-unit level as well
    as in the classroom.
    The tempo of operational commitments, fiscal and resource
    constraints and the expectations of our increasingly technologically literate
    soldiers demand that we continue to increase and improve our use of simulation.
    The intent of this volume of Dispatches will be to provide lessons learned and
    advice on how to make optimum use of TacOpsCF to achieve this. In developing
    this volume, we have borrowed experiences from the Army, the CF and our
    US allies. It contains valuable information, and I encourage you to use this
    knowledge in your efforts to constantly improve the effectiveness of our training.
    J.M. Petryk
    Director Army Lessons Learned Centre


  2. Maj H, are you still around?   God bless you and Thank You again, where-ever you are, Heaven or Earth!

    I continue to enjoy the version 1.0.3 (upgraded to 1.0.4+) you gave me (I used to maintain Ft. Polk's Battle Simulation Centers) and it was my privilege to invite, then host BNs using our BBS (Brigade/Battalion Simulation System) Building.   Great training per the Infantry Commanders (for what it was intended for). 

    Your program is available on Abandonware - did/do you approve?   I truly HOPE SO, as I'd love to see folks continue your GREAT (more than a) Game, one of your legacies which aided US Military, government civilians, US Contractors, and the public.    It's still good game play (and 2000's era tactics & tutorial).




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