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Posts posted by JohnCamara

  1. Just to clarify guys, I'm not pointing attention to the low frame rate. That's pretty much expected for battles in the "Huge" category. 

    What I'm asking is anyone else experiencing input lag from Scroll Wheel or Shift + ClickDrag during low frame rates. You can force low frame rates on most maps by setting model quality to best. When your frame rate is around 20ish or below that, try scrolling the mouse. Is there a delay? Does it ignore your input then bunch up or queue after a few seconds? Compare it with pressing R or F. The keyboard should still be pretty responsive compared to the mouse wheel at those framerates. 

    My Desktop is alright. 7700K 4.5ghz max clock and 2060Super. Does most tasks decently.

  2. Has anyone else experienced this? It's quite common for the frames to drop to 25 or lower during huge battles. What makes it difficult is the input lag/delay that happens to shift + click and scroll wheel inputs. Mouse pointer movement on the screen is unaffected but trying to select multiple units using shift + drag click or scrolling up/down all get noticeable delays.

    Keyboard inputs have zero delay at those framerates so why are mouse shift click drags/scrolls affected? Are they processed differently by the engine?

    I'm having this issue with Black Sea.

    Edit: Just want to add... the issue is most apparent with with the scroll wheel or shift + click dragging to select multiple units. Clicking I think is still affected but not as noticeable.

    Edit2: After testing further, I think singular clicks are unaffected by input lag.

  3. Hello, All. This is an AutoHotkey script to recenter the mouse pointer whenever the WASD keys are pressed. It'll then wait for all WASD to be released before it can be retriggered again so it still allows some of the original behavior depending on your taste. I have mine set to retrigger after 50ms so pretty fast. You can bring this up to 500ms or 1000ms for a longer grace period by editing the script yourself.

    This is only for those who use FPS camera/controls that you can select in the main menu options.

    You can download and install AutoHotkey here (pick current version): https://www.autohotkey.com/
    Install it, then download any of the "AHK" scripts I attached to this post.
    Try the original 50ms grace period one before the 1000ms one to get a feel for what this does.
    Double click on the AHK file to run them after installing AutoHotkey. A Green "H" icon will show on your windows taskbar indicating the script is running. It won't do anything unless Combat Mission is the actively focused window/fullscreen.
    Change your Camera in the "Controls" menu in Main Menu Options to "FPS" mode.

    The script should automatically detect all Combat Mission games automatically as it searches for "CM" in an active window title. (I've only tested Black Sea though)
    You MUST disable any "run as administrator" for any game shortcuts/exe as the script won't be able to detect the Combat Mission window.

    I found FPS Controls the most fluid/freeing for the game but was perplexed how pressing WASD would jump the camera when I usually/accidentally had my mouse pointer in the wrong place. It's honestly frustrating. So this should alleviate that problem and should make it more logical and accessible for people to use.

    FPS Controls are now my preferred way to play. It's really hard to go back to Standard/RTS controls once you realize the freedom of movement you have. 

    It's not perfect as it's not native to the game code so there might be small jerks here and there but it works well enough.

    There's also bonus Hotkeys that I've included that you can edit yourself in case you want something different.
    Shift + Z = Removes Waypoints (Backspace)
    CTRL + Z = Clears Target (Delete)

    Big thanks to Rohwedder from the AutoHotkey forum who worked out the logic of the code.
    You guys are free to edit the scripts as you please but please credit Rohwedder if you plan on using his WASD code.

    Google Drive Mirror: 
    50ms - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QII1cTZOy31NXEN87AyVXM7j8whPKoe8/view?usp=share_link
    1000ms - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i78x_tE3n1OFQqRe6ZT2JYrl8WR8DiGU/view?usp=share_link


    Combat Mission - FPS Mouse Recentering.ahk Combat Mission - FPS Mouse Recentering 1000ms.ahk

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