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Posts posted by Sojourner

  1. 54 minutes ago, poesel said:

    Ukraine would piss off the rest of Europe in a mayor way if it bought from China instead of Europe after the war. That would throw a real big spanner in any EU ascension plans.

    For sure, and it would piss off more than Europe, but would that stop China from trying?

    I hadn't considered EU ascension, take that off the table and Ukraine may have no choice but to go with the low bidder if Russia can't be forced to pay restitution. But you're right, EU membership will definitely tip the scales.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:


    I really wish they wouldn't do that. The only one that needs to be informed is Syrskyi. Let the Russians find out the hard way. I understand "public right to know", but there's no need to get into specifics. FFS stuff from WWII was kept secret for 50 years in the US, long after it was obsolete and of no intelligence value.

  3. 52 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

    Guess it depends on point of view.  I want about 100 of these to walk over a minefield and then burn anything that resembles a Russian ATGMs in a 5km bridgehead while FPVs hammer anything that runs away from the flames.  Toss in some EW and a dash of c-bty and one might have the makings for a breaching op that goes somewhere.

    OK, that is a genius application, but from the PoV of a homeowner in a wildfire-prone area, it's pretty damn insane.

  4. 33 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    and the rest of it is various bits of the Russian state either trying to cover their a$$es or take whatever advantage they can

    ^ Exactly this.

    Probably the only thing known for certain about the incident (other than that there was a fire and some people died).

  5. 22 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

    The RUAF has to be ready to control and defend all Russian airspace and still project threats…at the same time.

    Might this be a good time for US, and maybe Finland, to step up air patrols on the edge of Russian airspace, or would that be too provocative? It might encourage Russia to divert some resources away from Ukraine.

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