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Posts posted by Blackhorse15A

  1. Javelins have a *minimum* distance. The missiles need space to get out of the tube and lock on the target. They won't fire if the target is too close to them.

    Make sure they have line of sight to the target beyond 65m, ideally beyond 150m. Get inside that and they may not be able to shoot.

     Also, Javelin is not something that just shoots like a rifle or AT-4. It takes a little time for the control unit to find and lock into the target before it can shoot. So you need to be looking at the target for enough time to make a shot without getting shot by the enemy. Add to that, the control unit takes time to set up and cool down the thermal sight before it will even function - so make sure to deploy the javelin if you're trying to make time critical fast shots.

  2. I don't think this is a bug. Sounds more like a misunderstanding of what is being modeled/represented by the game.

    You say you got an FO back, but you didn't. You got back a gunner for an artillery observation vehicle. You are still waiting on replacements for a driver and a replacement FO (and perhaps the vehicle itself). This can happen in real life too. That gunner isn't trained in to make actual call for Fire, and so can't do it. It's the gunner's job to protect the actual FO, not call for artillery fire.

    Perhaps it's confusing because the unit icon is for an observer. But need to realize those are *unit* icons and not individuals or capabilities. It is the capability of the full up unit at 100%, but you don't have that (yet). Granted, in real life if the supporting artillery unit got a replacement gunner, they wouldn't send him out to a supported manuever unit without an actual FO in the team and just wouldn't send him at all, but that would be less than what you have now. But it is realistic that the unit would receive a replacement gunner (or the wounded gunner was returned to duty) before/without the actual FO and had a partial team like that which cannot actually call for Fire.

    Protect that one replacement and it will be more likely that the other spots in the team get replaced when future replacements come in.


  3. 34 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    A tank can support infantry if the infantry is fighting then the tank can support him.

    True that a player, using their godmode view of the battlefield and knowing what all units can see, can give orders that don't care about communication. But the player cannot do anything about the fact that the underlying pixeltrupen do or do not know about certain enemy information and spots until it has been transmitted through the comms channels in game. Sure, if both an infantry unit and tank unit have both spotted an enemy in their own, it doesn't matter.

    But if the tanker spots an enemy the infantry hasn't spotted yet, best the player can do is order area fire and wait for either spotting or the communication flow to happen. Real world, the two PLs are talking to each other and it's 1-3 transmissions for the tank to tell the squad what to look for and share the Intel. In CM it has to go up to BN (or higher depending) and it's 4-6 transmissions. Basically doubling the time for the Intel to be shared.

  4. 19 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    Signals which are not completely covered in the game.

    Unfortunately how the game treats communications is different enough from real life to not match if you look just at comms. I mean, it's a model, so it does represent some realities, but not closely enough where real world understanding is super helpful in the game.

    One problem is the various games being different time periods so tech capabilities change.

    But mainly - as best I understand- in game everything follows the chain of command rather strictly. Which is why scenario designers have to include higher headquarters "off map" as reserves that never arrive. If two platoons in different companies want to share information it HAS to go through the Battalion HQ.

    I'm not positive, but seems adjacent units (organizationally adjacent)don't talk to each other without going through higher. Which is unrealistic. Also I'm fairly certain there is no ability to "change channels" on a radio. 

    In the real world, if you attached a tank platoon to an infantry company, the tank platoon leader would be reporting to the infantry company commander on the radio. If the scenario designers sets the ORBAT up properly like that, it can happen in game. But it's also possible to set it up "wrong" and have all comms going through BN HQ. Or worse, consider a scenario where you have three infantry companies and a tank company. The player decides to team up one tank platoon to each infantry company. Real world those tank PLs are talking to the supported infantry CO and the infantry PLs in the company. But in CM every tank PL is still talking to their tank company CO, with all comms routed through BN HQ to talk to their supported infantry PLs.

    Also seems that line of sight for VHF comms is not accounted for, nor is range (I could be wrong there).

    Definitely not accounting for a PL who is monitoring three nets (eg Engineer PL can be on a platoon net to his subordinates, a company net to the supported infantry/armor unit, and the engineer company net to his own boss, which also serves as an engineer net spreading info across a much larger battle space since there is probably a staff engineer at BN HQ on there too, plus the engineer PLs in all the other units, all in one net.) It seems CM *could* model such a comms system, but understanding all those intricies aren't there. More importantly, no ability to designated attached units and change the comms network. It's just the most basic up and down the chain of command.

  5. Hold fire command button, and open fire (although Clear Target is basically that) setting an ambush with sectors of fire being very short is a hassle - a simple hold fire would be much easier.

    Minefield instead of a single mine. As a way to place the mines, could be a 50m long box with mines inside it at some density to match doctrine. Perhaps even with frat fences built in. Would make defense much easier to set up.

    Hescoe barrier walls, T walls, concertina wire in modern games.

    Squads and Fireteam moving in formations rather than gaggling everywhere. Would need some commands for file, wedge, vee, online.

    Set a sector of fire or targeting *at* a waypoint that doesn't take effect until you reach the waypoint.

    Instead of having to always select the highest BN level formation and back off from there- build up from a smaller unit. You can already add single vehicles and small teams into a formation - if there was a command to add a HQ level (which ties into the chain of command flow) we would be able to build up a task org/ORBAT

    Or, perhaps have an option for what level of formation to show. So instead of BN level, click a button for CO and only see the company type formations.

    Resupply vehicles. Make acquire something that can happen automatically at a resupply vehicle/unit. Move a unit there and soldiers will reload up to max combat load without having to go through the acquire command.

    Medical ambulances. An ability for any unit to move wounded (to a casualty collection point) then have ambulances that can pick them up, and if they make an exit point the wounded have much higher chance of not dieing.

    Wreckers- allow recovery of vehicles. If evaced out to a exit point (or hooked up at mission end) the vehicle can be repaired for next mission in a campaign.(less important than medics given the shorter timeframe of the battles)

    Terrain objective that is the opposite of occupy. Gain points for making sure enemy never reaches it

    If this then that branching in AI plans!!!

    Export the elevations from the map as a greyscale bmp or some other elevation matrix file

    Export the map as an image file- without us having to take screenshots

    In scenario editor- be able to edit text right there instead of export, open in another editor, save, re import. For the one line text- like scenario title - be able to move cursor around without backspacing and deleting them retyping.

    For Deploy in the scenario editor- a way to save/set the camera start position instead of just being the last position when the deploy was ended. This would help with going back in and making edits without having to go back and make sure camera was moved back to desired start position every time you make a tweak or check something.

    Clean up the AI plans and what happens "in" a step. Could probably move some things to be clearer what is set at start of step (perhaps move to prior step for entry) and what happens at end of step.

    Know how we can combine teams back into squads - what about something like that for platoon, or even company level?? But not like the squad combine that actually makes them group together- more just a UI thing. Default now is that icons are shown at "squad" (and team/crew) level. If we bump it up to platoon level then one icon would be shown over the center of each platoon, and clicking it selects the whole platoon (like double click the HQ) so you can easily give commands to the whole unit. Maybe even bump up a level for Company icons. Just a way to declutter the UI and early in a battle when moving whole platoons around it could ease things. Simple button/keypress to move the display level up and down the chain of command.


  6. Quote

    CCIRs are comprised of three elements:

    Sorry to review such an old thread  Perhaps pedantic, but at least in US and NATO doctrine, EEFIs are not a part of CCIR. CCIRs are things the commander needs to know that will drive some decision. FFIR are things about your own force that will drive a decision. PIRs are things about the enemy or terrain that will drive a decision.

    EEFIs do not drive decisions. They are information about your own unit that you want to make sure the enemy does not find out. These are things we already know, but want to protect the information. Not just from spying or comsec issues, but also in how we conduct operations to not reveal it. (Like making it too obvious where the main effort is coming)

  7. 12 hours ago, Halmbarte said:

    Looks like I need an educational or .gov email to join? Also, join at Fight Club UK or US? 


    The link to sign up is on UK Fight Club. But you do need to "be a member" of US Fight Club which is just a sign up on the US website (but I think that can be worked out later). 

    You do NOT need a .gov or .mil email. That field is optional. Civilians are welcome to apply also.

  8. US Fight Club is looking for 50 players to run through Operation Knockout, a five mission campaign. (With more missions, events, possible tournament, planned over the coming months.) CM: Professional Edition uses modern forces fighting against DATE scenario enemies. This campaign sees the Pirtunian and US allied forces fighting against the Donovian supported TPDM (True Pan-Donovian Movement) separatists in the Caucasus region.

    The UK Fight Club has developed this new campaign of learning and offered 50 CMPE licenses to the US Fight Club IOT participate in this campaign. Anyone that requests a licenses must be a member of the US Fight Club. (Join on the website)

    Apply for a free license at this link.

    Watch the video: https://youtu.be/2d4NmGQh_dE

    This is a US Fight Club initiative in collaboration with UK Fight Club.

  9. Does anyone know of any mods to put a guard tower in a map? I tried searching and couldn't find any 

    In particular, I'd prefer not just a flavor objects but something that might be a "building" where pixeltrupen could go up it and occupy the top "floor". Looking for like a wooden guard tower with truss legs and a little shack platform about three or four stories up.

    Anyone seen anything?

  10. On 1/31/2023 at 12:03 PM, Artkin said:

    You generally dont have to touch houses anymore. I cant edit my post since its been so long. 

    Just go to hexed.it, open a map from your documents. Change the first code on the second line. Thats the game code. Change it to the new game code. Codes were posted in here somewhere. 

    Thanks for the reply. From your other comment, looks like my problem may be that I'm working mainly with CMSF2 maps. That may be my trouble. I'll try again next sale when I pick up Black Sea.

  11. On 1/1/2023 at 10:33 PM, ViperAssassin26 said:

    I think the range and the village should be two seperate scenarios. I understand this is a game, But machine gun ranges and MOUT sites are miles apart from each other,

    Real world true. Here it was just a way to shift between the two situations without reloading the scenario. To save time if you're standing in front a whole classroom worth of people.

    On 1/1/2023 at 10:33 PM, ViperAssassin26 said:

    I don't think the AT team should be present. They really don't have a job. That's something that could be part of an Infantry based training campaign.

    Well, true, but it's meant to represent an entire standard light infantry platoon. So they come along. I like the campaign idea though. Set another scenario where they are the highlight.

    On 1/1/2023 at 10:33 PM, ViperAssassin26 said:

    I just thought that would be great for newcomers. Think of it as Combat Mission: Basic Training lol

    This could all be used in Black Sea as well

    That's what it was meant as originally. Black Sea would work too. Now I just need to go buy that

    I was considering grabbing it at the Christmas sale but something happened on Steam- I waited too long considering it - and when steam said it ended at whatever date, I thought it would be the last day you could buy and it turned out to be the first day at original price. Ugh. But honestly, I have so little time to actually play, it would just be a really expensive tool for porting maps occasionally. Lol. 

  12. I've read the whole thread. I get some of the top level concept. But I think I need an eli5 summary how to.

    Let me know if I get this right or what I'm off about.

    You need to open the map in the original game and remove any independent buildings and possibly some flavor objects. But modular buildings should be ok. Save that out as a cleaner map.

    Then edit the hex code. Change the byte that codes the game version (possibly the two other bytes) Save that out as a new file.

    Then open it in the game you ported to. Use the editor to replace the independent buildings you removed. And should be good to go.

    Apparently in some versions (I'm unclear witch, or when this happens) the assigned units in the scenario flip so all infantry are Russian and all vehicles are M1 tanks.

    But SF2 is somehow way different and doesn't port.

    Did I get that right? Did I miss something.

  13. 29 minutes ago, ViperAssassin26 said:


    I played this scenario. Its not bad. I placed my M240 team on top of the building and it looked like an actual range. it was quite easy for me to send a squad to flank the enemy in the village and finish the off. Do you think you could make it into an actual training Campaign? I think one that emphasizes use of Infantry/Vehicle/Air/Artillery Support would be pretty cool. 

    Glad you got some enjoyment out of it. If you like going into the village, replay it a few times (Red has all five COAs in the AI, and several allow for some randomness). It isn't meant to be particularly difficult. I originally built it as a map/scenario for people who had never played CM before to talk them through the controls before going to another scenario. The town is really just a way to get extra practice and when you have a classroom worth of people it acts as a buffer to give those who 'get it' something to do while I give extra help to those who are behind or having difficulty.

    So I am kind of curious for feedback about this map/scenario in the context of this community- where people already know the controls and its all a bit basic.

    Campaign could be an interesting way to step through some things. Do you think laying out several scenarios and using the Campaign feature would be useful or too much? LIke Mission 1, kill the squad on the range, mission result screen, Mission 2 clear the village, result screen, Mission 3 using vehicles, results, Mission 4 arty, etc etc.  Or do you mean just fleshing out some more opportunity all within this one scenario/map?

  14. Bit late to the party. I'll try to get this onto The Few Good Men, but Google Drive will have to do for now:


    (Or looks like I can attach right here).

    This is a map and scenario I originally built in CM Pro Edition to use an introduction to the controls. Rebuilt it here in SF2. One side of the map is just a flat "Firing Range" with tower and firing line. The other has a small village.  

    You are a US dismounted Infantry Platoon. Move your platoon onto the firing line (to get familiar with selecting and movement) then move them across the firing range towards the berm. (Some enemy will appear, highlighting that you dont need to do anything and your AI squad leaders will take care of fire control of the squads.)

    Then move into the village and clear out the enemy. You have 60mm mortars and a UAV available. There are several Red AI plans so there should be some replayability.

    I prefer the CM Pro version of the map (png attached)- there is a better variety of buildings (barns, commercial buildings vs residential, plus modular buildings) and some more interesting flavor objects (farm equipment, gravestones to make a graveyard around the church, etc). But this isnt too bad either in SF2, if I say so myself.

    Hope you all enjoy!

    A Training Map village small.png

    A Training Map SF2.btt

    SF2 Training Map village small.png

  15. I tried searching the forum but couldn't find anything (maybe I don't know best keywords). I know several people make YouTube videos of gameplay and have read some discussion of certain mods or modes for better quality video. 

    If I'm going to screen record gameplay (replay) what is the best settings or mods or way to do that?

    I know there is a ctrl-M for some kind of movie mode, but I have no concept of what it actually does or how it helps. Just seems to make everything greyer  Any recommended mods for more cinematic effect? I have my settings at "Best" but still see clipping in the ground tiles (ie road in foreground is nice with painted lines, but not too far away it's just flat grey. 

    I have NVIDIA if there are any recommendations on settings in the control panel.


    Thanks all 

  16. 55 minutes ago, George MC said:

    I'm a continuous contour man myself. 'Spot' contours lead to odd elevation artifacts like cones or chasms. I avoid for that reason. Minimum impact on load times no impact in game play.

    George- I've had some problems where things come out very terraced when I use the entire contour line. Could that just be because the ground is steep and maybe use the entire contour line, but only on the 5th contour line (ignoring the ones between when close together)? Any suggestions?

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