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Posts posted by Harbin

  1. 15 minutes ago, ng cavscout said:

    The value of hours played to dollars spent for CM is off the charts.

    I only got this game last month myself. Barring some technical difficulties, I'm just blown away by it. It's so much more than a sandbox. The fact I could go in and make a map to play on or experiment with all sorts of things with these games make it more like a toy box and I swear, I feel like a kid playing around with this. And I rarely get that feeling with contemporary AAA games. 

    I'm feeling it. I don't know what I'm doing half the time but I'm feeling it. 

    Though I have to admit this whole thing is terrifying at first. I don't think I've ever felt my heart really sink in any game, but seeing a whole squad get obliterated while inside their Stryker definitely did me in more than once...

    I'd also want to say thanks to whoever is responsible for having regional pricing on these titles. I live in a third world country so getting games  is pretty rough on me, but when I saw these games on sale I immediately bought everything up. SF2 first, then the very moment Black Sea came out I got it as well. 

  2. I found a reference to atioglxx.dll in the event logs. However searching for this particular issue here on the forums don't really have any recent information on it. Any tips on how to go about this issue? 


      CM Black Sea.exe

          C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Black Sea\CM Black Sea.exe



  3. 1 hour ago, chuckdyke said:

    According to 'The Few Good Men' website it's the Terrain. The 'Terrain' in SF or SF2 is a lot less demanding. 

    The terrain is what's influencing the crashes? I have both SF2 and Black Sea. Under the same use cases they both crash with similar frequency, at least under balanced graphics settings which I use.

    On fresh installs without any mods I've played about 12 hours with no crashes. But with HQS, it'll crash when interacting with the UI for calling fire support. It occurs erratically whether in tiny or small quick battles or huge battles. In in some cases even clicking on, say, an observer section on the map. So I'm curious how terrain would play a part in the issue since fresh installs with no mods work fine. 


  4. Yes the crashes do occur regardless of which side I'm playing. It definitely is strange and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out why. And yes, the extracted folder is within the Data folder, so that it's under D:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Shock Force 2\Data\Z\HQS 3.3 as prescribed. One thing that, for one reason or another, gave some stability to it for both titles was uninstalling, running the games once, and installing the mods. I say some stability since the longer the game runs, the higher the chances a crash would occur under the same circumstances. 

    Regarding the audio chip/card question, I don't have any dedicated soundcard. Only the one that came with the Asus B550M-Plus motherboard. Other than that I am running and AMD 5600XT GPU. 

    I've still had some fun with these games though. Some thirty hours each, but I concede it's rather frustrating and puzzling. Specially when I forget to save between turns.

    Right now I have both games on the main C:\ drive SSD. 

    What I do find suspect right now is the fact that the crash doesn't actually happen when you expect a sound to be played, which is to say at the end of plotting fire support. Rather the crash happens in the middle of the request, e.g. after selecting an artillery asset to use and clicking on the map to place the fire mission. So it's very odd how HQS is somehow influencing this behavior. 

    The only thing I suspect, although rather flimsily, is my GPU considering AMD's drivers themselves are pretty bad. 

  5. Hi all. Just asking for some help in trying to find out the cause of this issue. CTD specifically when attempting to call for fire support, with the crash happening immediately as I lay down area or linear points on the map. 

    This occurs with the HQS 3.3 mod installed. It doesn't happen on a fresh install with no mods, but curiously enough once the mod is installed then uninstalled, the crash persists in both cases. 

    This has been bothering me for a couple months now. Initially this happened with me on Black Sea, whereupon installing it on drive C:/ solved the issue for some reason. Asking other players on the Steam forum and the subreddit (I didn't have access to this forum at the time) revealed no particular link to install location given that some users have it on other drives without issue. Black Sea has so far been stable, but now Shock Force 2 is unstable. 

    Calling for fire support at any point in the game results in a crash 100% of the time.

    I've been trying to research this issue for a while now but haven't quite come across any solutions. 

    I'm on a PC with an AMD R5 3600X CPU, 5600XT GPU, 16gb RAM, with Shock Force 2 having been installed on E:\ and later, D:\ drives inside their respective Steam subfolders (e.g. D:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Shock Force 2)


    This is particularly perplexing since I can't quite figure out why the crash happens or what could be causing the crash if the mods I've installed haven't caused anyone else any problems. 


    Any thoughts regarding this issue? Apologies if this is my first post in the forum, this is really my first dive into the series.


    UPDATE: I've moved the install into C:\. No change. Reinstalled three times as well with same results: Adding HQS 3.3 into the Z folder causes a crash. Uninstalling HQS 3.3 and running a battle also causes a crash upon calling for artillery. So far I've added the Shock Force 2 folder and its executable into both Windows Defender and MalwareBytes exclusion lists, having the executable run in compatibility mode for Windows 7 (even experimenting with Windows XP SP3), disabling full screen optimization, changing settings in the AMD Radeon app, disabling in-game VSYNC, Anti Aliasing, and maintaining Balanced graphics settings, all to no avail. I'm just stumped. How could installing HQS 3.3 cause a crash? Additionally, how does uninstalling it and running the game still cause the crash even if the Data folder is totally cleansed of mods? I'm not even sure how my Black Sea install managed to become stable - it just happened one day. 

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