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Posts posted by Rob2020

  1. Does anyone else still have the 3-D glasses that worked with the original CM1 games? I still have mine, although I haven't used them in many years. As I remember, they worked very well, although I didn't use them much, probably because I didn't want the added clutter on my computer desk.

    Anyone use them more recently with any of the modern titles?

  2. 4 hours ago, Vacillator said:

    As far as I know PBEM is cheat-proof, haven't heard or experienced otherwise.

    As long as it's WEGO, it should be.

    Being cheat-proof, ie, no replaying of turns possible, is the most important thing that sets these games apart from pretty much all other computer wargames. Of course, there are many other aspects that are also very cool and unique, but I've always thought that if it weren't for being cheat-proof, these games would never have had the continued popularity that they've enjoyed.


    I don't mean to hijack the thread, but does anyone know of any other computer wargames that are cheat-proof?

  3. 7 hours ago, Vacillator said:

    As for CM, you could pick up one in a sale perhaps (I'd say RT or BN) and I'll give you a game when you're ready 😉.

    Thanks, but I've had my fill of Doubleyou-Doubleyou-Two. If I buy one it will be a modern title.

    Are PBEM games still cheat-proof, as in CM1?

  4. 4 hours ago, Vacillator said:

    (for example Hot Time in Hatten recently was up to 120MB per save)

    Wow, insane.


    4 hours ago, Vacillator said:

    Big deal you might say, but if you're playing 3 PBEMS at once and exchanging maybe 2 or 3 turns a day (well sometimes...)

    Makes sense.


    4 hours ago, Vacillator said:

    And yes, you will be able to PBEM with a BFC bought game - that's what I'm doing, even though I've also set them up on Steam just because I can.

    Thanks for the info.


    I'm still messing around with a couple of the demos, haven't actually bought a game. No particular reason, other than I'm having a hard time justifying buying another computer game when I already have dozens I haven't yet played.

  5. I'm reading all this with interest, since the last time I PBEM'ed was more than ten years ago with CM1.

    One used to be able to simply attach one's PBEM save-file to the email to one's opponent. Now people need a "Helper" for that? Seriously? 🤨

    So, someone answer me this. If I just buy a game from BFC, will I be able to PBEM? I'm not interested in Steam.

  6. On 1/18/2024 at 4:57 PM, Vacillator said:

    I don't really know GMT, but I think I prefer BFC's stance on this.

    What is BFC's stance? Link?


    16 hours ago, Sequoia said:

    There's a very long thread on Board Game Geek about this.

    Some of you may recognize the names of some of the posters in the thread.

    Yes, it's the usual loons.

  7. 5 hours ago, Erwin said:

    The marine module of CMSF2 has AAV's.  Paper Tiger's "Gung Ho!" campaign features them in (IIRC) every mission.

    Yeah, thanks, I saw that a while after I posted. There's even screenshots of it.

    Cool-looking vehicle, definitely cooler than the ugly box it replaced, eeech.

  8. 5 hours ago, Vacillator said:

    So likely a biased and inaccurate account 😉

    Yeah, I get your point, but that can work both ways. Sometimes the earlier accounts coming from people with more direct knowledge are better, without some historian's bias thrown in a hundred years later.

    I do remember it was a very interesting read and other than that it's not an important issue to me.

    Hmm, it was a book from an Air Force Base library, and since libraries often carry the same material maybe I should just check my local one to see what comes up. I also posted my query to a discussion thread at Consimworld, since there are a more varied interests there, so maybe some Custer afficionado will know something. Whatever, no big deal.

    Edit: Heck, it's probably Boots and Saddles, by his wife, Elizabeth Custer, which according to her Wikipedia page was first published in 1885, so that fits. And the 1961 edition has a brown hardcover binding. I was aware of the book, but didn't think that was it, but it must be.

  9. About thirty years ago I read a very early book about Custer and the Little Big Horn battle. I would like to find that book again, but I don't remember the title or author, and I'm not even sure it had the name 'Custer' in the title. By "early" I mean real early, as in possibly 1870's early, within just a couple or few years of the event. I vaguely remember it was hardcover with possibly a brown colored binding.

    There are countless book about this event, so I wouldn't know where or how to start a search, but since there are many history buffs who are very famioliar with this event, I wondering whether there's someone here who might have a clue as to what book this might be.

    Is there a way to do a book search somewhere that falls within a range of years of publication?

  10. I'm working my way backards, from recent to older. Since the dates go back to 2008, there's even a slight chance I might come across some very old posts of mine, although it would have been on a different account and I don't have a clue as to what screen name I might have used. Been playing CM since 2000 and I would definitely find some old posts of mine in the archives, although it would be hard because I was never very active in the forums.

    I do remember pointing out at one time that one (or maybe all three?) of the original games had the Play/Pause function button on the front end reversed. What I mean is that when the replay was playing, the button said 'Play', instead of 'Pause', and when it was paused it said 'Pause' instead of 'Play'. Small matter, and I was merely trying to help, but pointing this out seemed to irritate the powers-that-be, as I remember. 😕

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