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Growler 2.0

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Posts posted by Growler 2.0

  1. So I'm currently making my way through the Semper Fi, Syria! Campaign for the Marines. I'm playing the scenario "Flirting with Disaster" and I'm getting the feeling that something is not working since I'm not getting any reinforcements that were mentioned in the briefing. I already played 45 minutes into the mission before restarting it to see if it fixes anything but nothing has changed. The scenario starts off with only four HMMWVs, too little to complete the objectives on my own. Also, no fire support is available although mentioned in the briefing. I fear that I can't progress at this point without hitting the cease fire button and unwillingly handing a victory to the AI. Is this working as intended? Has anybody else experienced something like this?

    Thanks for any input!


    (edit: I'm trying to attach a save file but the forum won't let me because the file is too big...)

  2. Hey there, 

    I noticed that the image for the AH-1W Super Cobra in the air support tab uses the silhouette of a AH-1E/F Cobra. I searched the forums to see if anybody has already done a corrected silhouette for download but couldn't find anything. So I sat down and created one on my own. Satisfied with the result, I thought other people might enjoy this as well.



    1. Download

    2. Extract the Growler's Super Cobra Silhouette folder from the .zip file to a place of your preference

    3. Place the Growler's Super Cobra Silhouette folder in C:\Users\user\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Shock Force 2\User Data\z (make sure you don't have any other files with the name "silhouette ah-1.bmp" in your z directory)

    4. Done. The next time you start up Combat Mission Shock Force 2, this custom image should be correctly displayed for any AH-1W Cobra in the support tab.


    Included in the mod folder is the reference image I used to create the .bmp file. Hope you enjoy!

    Growler's Super Cobra Silhouette.zip

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