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Posts posted by keas66

  1. 3 minutes ago, ZellZeka said:

    Of course, I have already expressed my opinion before. If Ukraine capitulates, the mass deaths of Ukrainian civilians will stop. Yes, the Russians will deal with the most irreconcilable Ukrainians, but there are only a few of them. Most will simply be scared and will not resist. 

    Russians do not consider him an enemy, they consider him as Russian as the average resident of Belogrod or Kursk.

    Look up the definition of a quisling - If you really are a Ukrainian - thats you .  Either way you are blocked .

  2. 6 minutes ago, Centurian52 said:

    You mean the damage to the early warning radar, or some other installation? I believe you have the burden of proof backwards. I think, far from needing proof that it was the Ukrainians, we would need some significant reason to doubt that it was the Ukrainians. It's a legitimate military target that they have the means to strike, and no one else is at war with Russia, so it would be very surprising if it was someone other than the Ukrainians.

    Not when it suites Russia's purposes to play up a strike on their Nuclear Deterrence Capabilities - When thats the case I would not believe a word any Russian  source  said on the subject .

  3. 18 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

    No, no, let’s let the ATACMs off the leash entirely…what could possibly go wrong?

    I mean definitely a bad idea - but is there proof that this was Ukrainian Drones - the impact strikes/damage on the buildings looks pretty enormous for a drone  no ? The pictures also look  like old damage ? Where is the smoke damage/ discoloration etc . The pictures look odd .

  4. 13 minutes ago, omae2 said:

    The main problem with this attitude is:

    1.: It doesn't respect other peoples opinion on the matter, which very common when it comes to this topic.

    2.: You guys acting like the west giving charity to Ukraine and not pursuing its political goals. The hypocrisy is strong with the argument that if you don't like our values than join the other side. Which would be a very big problem to NATO.3.: This topics are not just blown out of proportion doesn't matter at all. This is why its such a hotly discussed topic on the west. Cause it is a dividing matter, and have no consequence in peoples life. You can chew on it like a bone without any brain based on believes.

    So i think we could give the courtesy to Haiduk that he has his values that can be respected not just yours.

    Here's the thing though - generally - at its best - the West as part of its advantages over more totalitarian  places -  has come to represent toleration  of a whole lot of things which are not necessarily the end of Human Civilization as many  who oppose such toleration seem to think . The West is not going to fall because of trans gender rights or any other sub group of people wanting to express themselves how they feel . Its going to be because of war ,   resource scarcity and global changes to our economic systems due to our continued mis use of the planet .

  5. 4 minutes ago, Maciej Zwolinski said:

    Re. inhumanity of that strategy - note it bears a strong resemblance to how Wagner would advance its convict units and everybody thought this was only possible because nobody cared about the convicts. Now ordinary Russian military units are using the same strategy, with the same insane risks to the individual infantrymen. 

    Honestly - Historically - when have the Russian Military  ever  behaved differently in any   major wars they have been involved  in ?

    The value of human life in Russia appears to be evaluated with a completely non-western view of things . In what other modern army do we see soldiers choosing suicide as a actual battlefield choice ?

    One can  I think ,  understand  a little the anti-russian / anti-communist propaganda of the past about hoardes of  sub-human robots  making human/meat  wave style attacks  no matter the cost .

  6. 49 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Because we (the ones in charge at least) don't really want Ukraine to win, at least not too much and too fast. So we are going to continue to drip-feed supplies little by little, just enough to keep them fighting.

    That's your "Occam's Razor"  interpretation of this ?

  7. 7 minutes ago, Zeleban said:

    It is thanks to this attitude of the Europeans that Russian troops will be able to break through to the channel.


    Don't count on Ukraine being able to survive 2024. 

    Today everything seems reliable, but in a short time the front may collapse and Russian troops will advance hundreds of kilometers, as on February 24, 2022. By the way, there was a similar situation near Balakleya. For many months the front line seemed motionless, but a few days later the Russian front collapsed.

    You are clearly either delusional or this is just a deliberate campaign of mis- information - I'll be blocking you going forwards .

  8. 31 minutes ago, poesel said:

    Let's just assume that Ukraine bombed Belgorod and killed civilians as a by product. That was what has been reported by the mass media here.

    The reaction (here): nothing.

    Is that the same everywhere? I am really surprised that the public takes such an attack with a shrug. It is not the first time Ukraine attacked Russia directly but not with this dimension.

    IMO, Ukraine just learned that it is ok with the west to retaliate to Russia in kind (as long as no western weapons are used). That would change the character of this war.

    The IDF is pretty much doing what it likes right now - do you care much ?  - and you expect the West to condemn some minor revenge attacks  by Ukraine on Russia ? Unless said attacks threaten somehow the stability of the  relationship between the West and  Russia/China  I can't see anyone caring much at all . Not sure why some folks on this board think the Rubicon has somehow been crossed .

  9. What I can find online about the 2010 elections at least tends to describe it as a successful democratic election - international observers and all  not finding anything too untoward unlike his previous attempt  back in 2004  . What happened after the election and the direction that Yanukovych took Ukraine - leading up to the events of 2014 is another matter . He was however the democratically elected President of Ukraine at the time .

  10. 49 minutes ago, Zeleban said:

    This is not true, at the moment Russia is keeping most of the world in fear. How can Russia be called a secondary state after this?

    You either need to  stop posting while in this  mood of black despair you seem to be in - it really does not help I think  or  as has previously been suggested , maybe you are posting these defeatist  subjects and questions deliberately ?

  11. 1 hour ago, Zeleban said:

    I have a faint hope that Ukraine can still survive this winter (I don’t know what exactly influenced my opinion, objective reasons, or another bottle of Madeira I bought this evening). The key events, in my opinion, will unfold not on the front line, but in the rear. It all depends on whether our president will be able to change public opinion, destroy the influence of the Russian information machine on the consciousness of our citizens, and also restore the faith of our citizens in the armed forces of Ukraine. Zaluzhny previously expressed the opinion that Ukraine needs to return to last year’s level of citizen mobilization. 

    However, Zelensky said at a press conference that another 500,000 mobilized Ukrainians are needed. This means that Ukraine's armed forces must increase by another third of their original strength. This clearly contradicts Zaluzhny’s assertion that everything is normal and no special mobilization measures are needed.


    Be that as it may, I can be guided by the mobilization of my youth acquaintances from Krivoy Rog. They have significant abilities to corrupt any government bodies. Even if these guys were drafted into the army, then everything is very, very bad. So far, fortunately, none of my friends have been drafted into the army

    I'm not sure what you think you are achieving by presenting these background views from the "normal" ?  Ukrainian citizen point of view  ?   Encouraging the idea that  the support of the Ukrainians for this fightback against the Russians is in fact collapsing and  now everyone just wishes to be done with the thing and return to being Citizens of the Greater Russian Empire ? . In other times and other places   comments such as yours would be deemed material evidence of working with the Enemy ?


    Baffled .

  12. Just now, acrashb said:

    Maybe that's because Israeli targets aren't routinely filled with munitions?

    Also, Hamas announced (apparently, I don't read Arabic) the use of their biggest rockets moments before the explosion, which the Syrian-made M-302, Khaibar-1, a 302mm device with (again apparently) a 331 lb warhead.

    So, big boom.

    Or maybe the IAF did it - I don't know, and right now the only people who do are the respective combatants.  It's possible that it was a Hamas rocket but Hamas actually thinks it was IAF.  

    As I said, let's wait and see what the American's say.

    If that Hospital was  in- fact being used by Hamas to store munitions - I expect the owner /operators of that hospital  would likely be  a little disappointed  with their security/administration staff ?

    "The al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City — where authorities suspect an airstrike killed hundreds of people Tuesday — is owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, said Eileen Spencer, head of the American fundraising arm for the diocese."  ( from the WaPo online story )

  13. Pardon my disbelief that the Israelis  are not capable of lying when it suits them . They have done it plenty of times before .

    I'm also  wondering whether it is actually realistic that a single Hamas originated rocket could cause that level of destruction . They don't cause any where near that level of destruction when they hit  targets inside Israel . Seems more like a bomb sized event . I am guessing the truth is going to be very hard to find out now and will only come out  once things have calmed down ( if even then )  . It's to both sides advantage to blame the other side at this point .

  14. Gets a bit tricky doesn't it when the IAF starts bombing hospitals    . I see the IDF is still lingering on the start line - I imagine they know whats going to happen to a lot of them when they go in . Like I said  a week ago - this is going to be a bloodbath for both sides  and in the end will  solve nothing . Now is the time for diplomacy . Too many dead on both sides at this point .

  15. 3 hours ago, dan/california said:

    This is purely my personal opinion. I think the Israelis are going to launch a truly all out ground assault on Gaza, and at least temporarily reoccupy it. 

     That went so well for them in 2006 In Lebanon  and 2014  in Gaza  . I am afraid until I see better results from the IDF  - I don't think the IDF really have the ability to go all Stalingrad on Gaza without experiencing massive losses themselves .

  16. I'm seeing some clips which  lack a lot of context obviously but seem to show  IDF forces  being rescued by Armed Police . This seems  quite baffling to me -  Two  apparently mobile "Namer"  IFV's - which come with weapon systems I am pretty sure - both seem to have power - and yet the IDF is being rescued by the police ?   Where is the response by other IDF units -  where is the air support - Why are they not using the IFV's  to fight back  ? 




  17. 35 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

    Western armour fetish is melting before our eyes. Not only another Leopard A6 was eliminated, but apparently Russians captured CV90 in so-so state:


    (no idea why Twitter does not show thumbnails here)

    I don't understand this line of thinking .  Who ever claimed   Western  Armor is invincible ? - We have Seen Leopards , MI1A1's , Bradley's  blown up before in multiple theaters over the last few decades ( Saudi Arabia , Iraq , Turkey , Syria  etc )  - it is no surprise they are doing so  and will continue to do so in this theatre of action .  This is  the same set of delusions now being packaged around  F-16's  as some sort of wonder weapon  . You analyze the success rate of a class of vehicles - success in terms of completing its designated mission goals  over several months if not years of use . Whether a single  tank is destroyed or captured in a particular  tactical encounter  is utterly irrelevant .

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