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Posts posted by Jkirsen

  1. 56 minutes ago, Zveroboy1 said:

    If you simply changed the type of battle from attack to meeting engagement using the drop down menu in the editor, then once you launch the quick battle, the AI will follow the attack AI plans that were originally included in the qb when it was first designed. That's not enough for it to work the way you want.

    That's why the AI forces stay put, they are following the original plans where they were defending.

    So for it to work you need to either change the AI plans or pick hotseat and play both sides yourself.

    Thank you.

    Yes after much tinkering i discovered that the AI was using the pre-set plans for the original assault/attack/probe scenarios, which is why it did not play out as i had expected when i changed the scenario to meet/engage. All is good now and thank you all for the help.

  2. Hello all

    I am having an issue when i attempt to  change a quick battle map from assault/attack into a meet engage. When i start the game the AI units do not move from the setup zone or at least a small portion of their forces do but the rest stay put.

    Obviously i am doing something wrong here does anybody have any tips to help me out with this thanks?

    Specifically i am playing CMBS - qb map River of tears.

    Thank you

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