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Posts posted by Hydradcs

  1. Dear Jan, 

    I would be open to a PBEM game, if you are still looking for an opponent. Like you I'm fairly new to the Combat Mission series and I would love to find an ooponent with the same interests and enough patience to learn the game together . I'm also heavily involved in air combat sims (DCS, IL2, BMS) so we have some common ground and we could still go and bomb some stuff if our pixeltruppen don't behave like we want them to:)


    Have a nice weekend!


  2. Hello guys, 

    I've recently purchased Combat Mission Red Thunder and I'm having a great time so far. The game is outstanding and I enjoy reading through the forums here, the amount of knowledge both historical and in game terms is great. Could you guys help me with some questions from a new player?

    1. Is there any way to control formation movement? Sometimes I want to move some tanks in a line simultaneously but too often they seem to block themselves because tank number four is faster than tank number three for example. 

    2. Can I order an infantry unit mounted on a tank to dismount at the final waypoint of the tank? If I give the unit a move order they seem to dismount immediately before the tank starts to move.  

    3.  Is there something like a database of all units? I spent some time in quick battle but most of the time I'm unsure which units to pick because I don't know a lot about the different unit types.


    Thank you so much, any help would be appreciated. Michael


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