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Posts posted by Rittermeister

  1. Hello everyone! I have two questions for you regarding this campaign.

    The first concerns British infantry as seen in this campaign. This is my first time ever really playing CW, and I'm finding the British infantry squad to be borderline combat ineffective against enemies in any kind of cover or at any appreciable range. They seem to have a great deal of trouble spotting enemies, even while being fired on, and more frustratingly, won't lay heavy fire down on those targets they do spot. I had thought that the presence of four BRENs per platoon, in addition to the Lee-Enfield of mad minute fame, would give them an edge over American infantry, but this doesn't seem to be the case at all; they get eaten alive by 12th SS squads on anything like an even footing. So far, I've been nursing them along with aggressive use of armor and artillery, but the great difficulty they have in suppressing, never mind eliminating, isolated enemy units whom they outnumber significantly is very troubling to me. 

    Two, I am encountering snipers who seem nigh on invulnerable; just to suppress them takes an enormous amount of fire. Just a moment ago, while playing the second mission in the campaign, I placed three 95mms, a dozen 50mm mortar bombs, and probably 300-400 rounds of .303 on a sniper team behind a low hedgerow to no lasting effect. After moving, they opened up again, and upon rage cease-firing, I discovered that the sum of my efforts was one man lightly wounded. Is this normal? Should a single sniper team really be capable of holding down a flank by itself?

  2. RockinHarry,

    In my last game, I called down 160 or so 75mms on a single bunker, just to see what would happen. At least five shells struck the corners or edges of the bunker, but I couldn't get one dead-center on it.


    If the wooden bunkers are not meant to model reinforced foxholes with overhead cover, what is their real-world equivalent? An above-ground simple wooden bunker seems like it would struggle to stop 30 caliber, never mind artillery.

  3. So, I am presently slogging my way through the Road to Montebourg campaign, and there's something that is bugging me: sandbagged MG bunkers seem to be virtually impervious to artillery strikes, or at least those of 75mm and 105mm variety. Is this working as intended? It seems . . . bizarre for a reinforced foxhole to be capable of absorbing near-direct hit after near-direct hit ad infinitum.

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