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Joao Perru

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Posts posted by Joao Perru

  1. Nono, buildings were fine... i mean... mine was a multistore, modular factory building, their looked like a stone 1 floor building. So it was mine that looked more promising.

    Anyway if you say that the issue here is overcrowding i can understand

  2. They were split into half squads with 2 half squads every building tile, and there were 3 or 4 of them. Not every one was shooting, i know, but looking from the view of the enemy ther was a rellay high volume of fire, compared to the one of the enemy which was almost non existent. I was puzzled. Anyway, regarding ricochets and the like i  agree, and i thought it myself, but to create a consistent volume of fire i needed those men.

    Important thing is: i'm the only one that thinks like that, and i'm glad, so i understand it's my fault, no more, no less, and not a problem of the game.



  3. Hi all.

    Long time single player combat mission player here. Long time but not as sucessful as i liked, or as i hoped, considering all the time i've invested in it.

    I've got this concern: i'm playing aachen campaign right now. 1st done, i'm at 2nd mission. Though i won a total victory at the first, i find that the enemy TacAI is kinda cheating. The enemy is way better than i am at small arms fire. I know that my pixel soldiers are governed by the same TacAI, but everytime some weird situation come up. 

    Examples: (I'm talking about infantry vs infantry urban tactics and combat: house to house. I mean, my men are in a stone house, so is the enemy).

    - Enemy 4 man platoon leader squad. Firing what seems to be pot fire with k98 and 1 mp40. Against them i got at least 15 men with garands, and 1 tripod .30cal HMG. Firing and firing. i see all 4 of them. I got no kills in 3-4 minutes of firing. The sporadic fire from them killed 3-4 of my men. I repeat: windows from windows firing. At the end, overwhelmed by fire they run away. and even when they were in the open, i dropped none of them. They finally run to another house. Had to repeat all from scratch with the new building. Finally came a Sherman and did the job. My men were regular experience, dont know the enemy, anyway, but, damned, they're supposed to be Volks.

    -Two guys with mp40, 70 meters from my men wreck havoc on a squad in a building, killing 2. 9mms submachineguns, 70 meters aiming at windows in a stone house, what-the-hell.

    -When soldiers run in the open it takes hundreds of rounds to hope to drop one. Enemy first burst almost always drops one of my men.

    -Another enemy guy. 2 .30cal HMG on him, some garands. Finally he's pinned, fired 1 shot every 20-30 seconds. Drops one or two of my guys with that pot fire. Then escapes.

    -Final score usually show that my men have the aim of an Imperial Stormtrooper. Can't hit the broad side of a barn. The real kills come from tanks. Wonder if i didn't have them... what will happen in a pure infantry vs infantry situation? And i'm not talking about melee assaults, or 10 meters engagements, those are weird too, though i accept that it's a game and has his own limits.

    SO: am i missing something here? Does someone has an explanation or disagree with me? I really hope to improve my game.

    Thanks a sorry for my english, it's not my main language :)

  4. Hi there all, i'm an italian player of CM from the first installments of the serie.

    Last and this year i found myself playing CMRT/CMBN/CMBS. I'm a lover of the Eastern front so i played CMRT the most. Always thought that CM is the best tactical wargame out there. The neat graphics, improved by mods, help to achieve the "realism" of the battlefield. For me, it's nothing short of a masterpiece of modern wargaming.

    Played a lot of missions, and then i started with campaigns. Read a lot of useful information here on this forum. When i started playing campaigns, with the fear to lose men and equipment, came my first doubts about the realism of the game. I hope they're just doubts. Now i'm here asking to the experienced ones to give me a hand with the matter:

    1) Read a lot about it: forest fights. It's very difficult to move and fight in the woods with infantry (against infantry obviously). I've read that you have to see them as mortal traps. To advance if you have tons of covering fire. Do you really think that the game portaits such a thing in a realistic way? I mean, sometimes i've found myself in frustration. I personally think it's a bit exaggerated, but i could and i WANT to be mistaken. I don't care if something is difficult, if i know it's realistic. Would be different if i really find that something is unrealisticaly hard for game bugs or wrong features.

    2) Line of sight. Lots and lots of times i wanted to lay covering area fireand  i couldn't  cause i didn't have a damn LOS to a tile, due to a little reverse slope issue. I really hate it. I know that it's written in the game engine and you can't do anything about it, but come on! It's a game heavily based on covering fire, can't be so difficult to lay one on some maps. Just recently i found out that if you shoot at a tile in LOS in the same line, shots go straight and dont' hit the ground, so eventually they reach the tile you want. It's a sort of workaround, but usally it works. I'd like to know if you use this method or have your own.

    3) Armor and Infantry. After many missions with mixed forces (Armor+infantry), i've seen that the 95% of the casualties are inflicted by armor only. I know that heavily depends on maps and scenarios, and that infantry often is just a "place holder". But there's really so much difference? (i know... this is just a stupid question, but i wanted to ask anyway). Please share your thoughts and experiences. Maybe i just dont have good tactics to put it to use.


    Thanks a lot for your future answers, sorry for my english, and... HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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