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Posts posted by Suzuya

  1. GG and very WP to Pugstorm. Trying to get a win as the Germans feels incredibly difficult there and some poor luck on that last turn would have made it a draw, getting a total victory feels a bit off considering almost all my men were dead and most of my tanks were on fire compared to your US side but that was an impressive defence you put up.

    I do hope if theres ever a rematch that we can swap Shreck teams haha, that one team that i think landed 5 out of 6 hits at decent range had me pulling my hair out trying to get rid of they deserve a medal for sure.

  2. I also tried an attack with the Germans but my opponent went with a big aggressive rush down the middle with his first platoon of Shermans, ended up with the loss of a bunch of my infantry and some AT and led to my poor choices with the Panther. I didn't expect the play and it worked out very well.

    I don't know if anyone else is experiancing some very odd LOS issues on this map with a few of the Hedgerows, I've had spots where my opponent can sit and shoot just fine yet my troops can't see through the bush or one scenario this turn where they can see three Shermans just fine but refuse to fire as they claim to not be able to see or target including one they just grenade assualted but no rockets from the spot i've been shot at from a few turns earlier.

  3. 25th October although depending on your timezone practically last day to submit rounds will be the 24th, it says for me it will end at 08:15 but i don't know if thats my timezone or not. Starting to look like I will not be completing my CW game either as our turn pace has slowed a bit hopefully we can get a cease fire before we run out of time and the tournament ends.

  4. For some reason I currently only have one side of the battles turns being sent to me, @imported_TREAD_HEAD I believe we are up against each other and I am only getting my US turns showing in my PBEM folder in game I don't know if you have both sides turns showing up correctly or not? Currently I have turn 3 available to play for US and still no Soviet turn showing.

    I only managed to do the first round due to my PC dying in round 2 but didn't have this issue with the holiday tourney last time not sure if anyone else has the same issue.

  5. GG's to my opponent Luthiens, fun first match my US side might have gone very differently had there been another 5 minutes on the clock and it might have pushed it to a draw. Interestingly after ending the game both of our scores have gone down to just a few hundred points each, I wonder how that works re scoring.

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