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Posts posted by shik

  1. I know you can acquire items from a vehicle when your infantry is in a vehicle, but is there no way to do it without getting in?  Additionally, it seems I cannot send a team to a vehicle, acquire some items/ammo, and then get out of the vehicle in all one command.  I had to do it as follows: get into vehicle, end turn, acquire stuff, leave vehicle for building, end turn.  Doing it that way just wasted a lot of time.


    I ask because I was playing the battle where an underequipped US force is defending a river.  I sent resupply trucks to various positions but had to get in them to get any ammo or javelin missiles.  For the most part, it was just time consuming.  The biggest problem was the Humvee I sent to one position.  It didn't have enough room for a split team to get in and they couldn't acquire any of the AT4s they needed.  They were overrun by BTRs before I could get one of the other trucks over to them.... 


    I am a pretty new player so please pardon me if I am missing something obvious.

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