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Posts posted by dstal

  1. CAS and ADA can be frustrating at first, but after playing many different battles I've found that a lot of the time it all just comes down to luck. 


    Sometimes your ADA will be effective and sometimes it won't.  Sometimes the enemy CAS will wreak havoc on your vehicles and sometimes it'll be lucky to get a single hit. 


    Enemy ADA plays under the same rules, so sometimes it'll manage to take out your CAS on the first try and other times it'll be entirely ineffective and your CAS will be free to wreak havoc on the enemy.


    Hiding under tree cover hasn't seemed to help much in my experience, but I guess there's a small chance the ordance will impact a tree instead of its target.  If anything, it seems like Trophy APS equipped vehicles moving across open ground have had a better chance surviving CAS in my games.

  2. Playing through one of the Cry Havoc Battle scenario earlier today I hit a T-90 with a precision guided 155mm round fired from a M109 and the tank survived with an explosive reactive armor message. 

    The same tank shook off a 120mm HE round to the rear hull with just an armor spalling message a few moments later, so perhaps it was just particularly lucky.


    My limited understanding of ERA is that it works by destroying or disrupting the penetrator or shaped charge, so my guess is that the burst from a 155mm HE round wouldn't be something the ERA would protect against. 


    Took out a few other T-90s in the same scenario using 155mm HE rounds so they were effective overall, but I'm just wondering if ERA would really protect against a 155mm HE round direct hit?

  3. I had a Stinger team down what sounded like a fixed wing aircraft.


    The interesting part is that a moment after receiving the 'Aircraft destroyed' message a Stryker blew up, so either the aircraft was destroyed after releasing it's ordinance or there was a second aircraft operating in the same area.  I think it was the former situation, because I didn't hear any aircraft after the Stinger hit its target. 


    Also, the Stinger team immediately panicked and routed after the Stryker was hit even though they were more than 100 meters away with buildings between them and the Stryker. Not sure if the panic was caused by the explosion or being caught out in the open when the aircraft attacked.


    There was no other combat occuring, so everything was related to the aircraft (or possibly a second one I couldn't hear).

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