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Posts posted by billyboy

  1. The original storyline for the game, prior to Russia's actual actions starting one year ago this weekend, was nearly identical to the way the war unfolded in real life. Therefore the early portion of both the fictional and the real war are hard to distinguish from each other.

    I don't think we ourselves will attempt to portray specific real life battles with the Module forces. But yes, with the forces we provide that should be possible to do.

    The militia type forces would take the same form as they did in CM:SF in concept:

    One type based on ad-hoc force structure with a mix of small arms and nearly nothing beyond that for organic formations. Purchases of heavy weapons will be possible, but they are done individually for the most part.

    The other type is based on more organized forces with a more recognizable military look to them. Organic heavy weapons of a limited nature will be available. Additional ones can be purchased separately.

    The two forces will look different, with the ad-hoc type being extremely diverse and the more organized forces more consistent looking.



    Sounds interesting. Thanks for the information, and keep up the great work!

  2. I don't know if it would be appropriate to ask this in a mostly political thread, but I have a game related question.


    I noticed before how Steve mentioned that there's going to be a module that includes separatists and Ukrainian volunteer battalions in the future. Are you thinking about basing their composition and actions directly on the current conflict, or might you roll them into the story of the established campaign?


    If it's the latter, would that function as a prequel of sorts, with the campaign in Black Sea being the moment when the tensions boiled over? Furthermore, assuming we're talking within the context of Black Sea's story line, what level of Russian Federation support would the 'better organized' militia groups be receiving, and would there be options to include specialized detachments of Russian troops with them? Also, (again talking in-story) would there be any US/NATO support of Ukrainian militias/volunteer battalions, in terms of equipment?

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