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Posts posted by Bloodwyn

  1. I saw that they have a Github page for Cheat Engine so I ended up downloading it from there and compiling it which worked for me no problem which is nice. I ended up getting the same error Boche and JohnCamara  got preventing me from activating the patch which I figured would sadly probably be the case. I didn't pay enough attention to the explanation Dragon Coder gave in the other thread when talking about the demo versions as well: "Sadly the demos won't work for the same reason you must match versions, it will only work for one compiled version.  If the executable changes at all, then the addresses are likely to change as well."

    I have the non-steam version of CMBS and never purchased the game engine 4 upgrade so I tested this on game engine 3's version 1.00 and 1.04. Neither of which worked. Makes me wonder if those getting that same error have the most up to date game versions/engine, but just not on steam as well. As I've already purchased all the games from battlefront rather than steam, barring CMCW, which these Cheat Engine patches are from that perhaps doesn't bode well for me. Purchasing upgrades already doesn't feel too good much less repurchasing the entire game if that is the case. That really stinks.. but it is what it is. May still get CMCW on steam someday at least to check it out. Kudos to Dragon Coder for figuring that out though regardless. I'd like to say I'd try to figure that out for the versions I have, but I'm afraid one look at the memory viewer tells me it wouldn't go well, haha!

  2. hmm, I've never used Cheat Engine before, and admittedly comes off as a little sketchy to me. Attempted to go ahead and download it and give it a try, but can't get the installer to even run properly.


    Otherwise this is, to me personally, honestly perhaps the best and most exciting news I have seen for the Combat Mission series since I first discovered and played the original Shock Force back in 2012. My #1 biggest gripe and pet peeve on any game is probably forced, unavoidable, time limits in a single-player environment. I've messed around and created some simple scenarios with the editor in the past and know how the AI movement is based around time along with limited resources(ammo), but I still have never understood unavoidable time limits in single-player. Seems like an easy decision to me to have an option to disable it even with a big warning message you have to agree to before it takes effect. Even if you have plenty of time left over at the end of the mission just watching every second tick by while playing completely breaks immersion and pulls me out of the experience personally. Such a good series and sandbox to play around in otherwise. Would like the ability to use the in-game pause movement command on units without pausing the entire game and plan my next troop movements in real-time while maybe a small firefight happens here or there if I wish.


    Anywhoooo, used to purchase every title starting out even if I personally didn't have too much interest in the setting just to support development, but the time limits honestly bother me that much along with the periodic paid updates on all the games post SF1 finally got me to step away for many years now and have sadly only bought 1 of their last 5 releases. If I could get this to work though it alone would probably be enough to get me to finally upgrade to Shock Force 2 and would make Cold War very tempting to purchase as well.  I search online every year or so to see if anyone has figured out a way to do this, or if any official updates finally change it and am happy to finally see a breakthrough! Very much appreciated and would love to get it working and enjoy me some Combat Mission again soon!


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