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Posts posted by falcon2000

  1. Also with regards to gps rounds, it's not so much if they move after fire mission is called in my experience but if moved after round out. I've called an xcal strike an a uav spotted tank, next turn tanks moves forward maybe 50 to 60 yards to new position then stops. Still in uav coverage though. Fire mission complete / round out, slammed turret roof and ammo cooked of a few seconds later. Was beautiful. Long as they are stationary and visible at round fired, it seems the gps tags are updated. If they move out just as the shot goes then it's Mr. Murphy having a laugh at your expense. If they're rolling, either you plan on them stopping before on the way, or PEBKAC.

  2. I'm able to get to the activation step but it doesn't like my code. Already have a ticket in. I have avast set to exclude the whole g:\battlefront folder from any scans, shields, and shenanigans. Hope for an answer soon. I trust them to make everything right but it is tough when you've waited for a while and then the big moment is "invalid key".... WTF *Flips table*

  3. I'm a sad panda.  My serial is invalid apparently, despite copying from both the website and the confirmation email.  Have a helpdesk ticket in, hopefully get answered quick.  At least it looks pretty in the pictures in the meantime

  4. For the love of god, no early access. This is one of the worst trends in games development : customers get to pay to beta test a game lol; I mean come on, how masochistic or impatient do you have to be to subscribe to that model? Besides there is a lot less incentive for the developers to actually finish the game so it takes twice as long to get a finished product and often games are stuck in limbo forever being never fully done. And when (if) the game is finally released, half the player base has already moved on to something else, having only experienced a buggy version with incomplete features.

    I'll risk a minor offtopic to just say, I paid $7 for Kerbal Space Program when it first when from 100% free alpha to buy in at the ground floor.  I scoff at those who now are buying it "early access" on Steam.  Some of the best money I've ever spent, and I feel I've gotten more than my money's worth at this point - and it's not even out yet.  Yes some developers abuse early access, but not all.  And some developers break games completely without it, even some big ones (a la Rome 2 mentioned earlier I believe, as far as I know didn't have early access). Just saying.  My opinion on BFC doing early access - don't have one: their company, their call.   Paint not with a broad brush, lest you yourself be painted. Or something.  Now, back to rewatching Chris's vids and drooling on the keyboard impatiently.   

  5. Probably a noob question, but I got the Zawiya Uprising campaign from the repository, but it's not showing up on my list of campaigns.  I put the .cam file in my \Combat Mission Shock Force\Game Files\Campaigns folder, as that seemed to be the logical location.  I do have the NATO pack, so that shouldn't be an issue.  I see the other 7 campaigns that are in the folder when inside the game, but not the Zawiya one.


    I'm guessing I'm missing something obvious, but am at a loss as to what.  

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