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Posts posted by russwg1970

  1. In the first mission in the US campaign, the 2 Ravens have spotted numerous vehicles and even a squad of infantry. Though so far it seems dependent on the vehicles AND infantry being out in the open as I don't recall them being able to spot anything in the trees or tree lines. But I do know they work and I've only used the area command at max range so far.

    Extremely handy little things!

  2. This was fun one and the Tactical victory I got felt well earned. I only sent one team into the cabbage field and they were able to engage and destroy 2 of the 3 AAA assets. The others were sent hunting down the river bank to try to flank the Russians and get behind them. Didn't work they got bogged down about have way down, but with small 25m target arcs on all my troops, my units were initially able to ambush several maneuvering Russian units out in the open and I only sustained 3 kills with 1 wounded, and barely averted the BTR at the end while getting 16 Russian casualties.

    The javelin explosions were so violent that the only AAA left had its tracking radar knocked out and it was immobilized. I considered it a total victory!

    Definitely a really well crafted and fun mission.

  3. please tell me how you figuerd this out¨! I cannot make it work ..

    If you follow LT Belko's paths listed above it will work. The game files section for CMRT are located in the documents portion of Windows, which is different from CMBN where the game files are located in the same directory.

    Once you get it setup correctly, it works just fine.

  4. Hey Russ & BoBo,

    Are either of you interested in playing CM:BN @ v1.11 or the v2.0 Upgrade, using PBEM ( I also have the Commonwealth Module ), I only like playing small or tiny battles ( up to reinforced company strength ), and can play either Axis or Allies.

    If we do play v2.0, it has to be at 2.0 only and not patched to v2.12 ( At the moment, I'm not sure if I like the increased Small Arms Leathality ).

    I have been playing the Demo for awhile now, and will be ready to play the full version when the game comes in by mail later this week...I will also look-up how the PBEM system works.



    I'd be up for getting in another battle. I'm like you were a small battle is about as BIG as I want to get currently. I also have no preference on anything setup wise, other than it being a small or tiny battle.

    PM me you email address when your ready, and I'll drum up a QB scenario and send it your way to get things started.

  5. Picking a scenario is the first thing. Then a bunch of emails. What do you want to play?

    I am off to date night with the wife but I would propose a tiny meeting engagement quick battle. I don't care which side. Or a scenario from the disk.


    I'm up for anything, and I don't have a preference to a side either. I'm fairly new to the game itself, so I'd be fine with whatever you picked.

    I'll send you my email in a private message.

  6. Looking to find a PBEM game for CM: BN. I don't have any of the expansions other than the 2.0 version.

    I'm fairly new and pretty green and I've never done a PBEM game, but would really like to try.

    Ok, maybe not the easiest win. I am somewhat competent, just looking for an ongoing PBEM game for a nice multiplayer experience.


  7. Looking to find a PBEM game for CM: BN. I don't have any of the expansions other than the 2.0 version.

    I'm fairly new and pretty green and I've never done a PBEM game, but would really like to try.

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