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Posts posted by BradinAus

  1. Canister is an awesomely deadly round against infantry. Haven't seen a tank use it in CMRT

    I've only had the game a few days and I've seen it a few times. Nasty.

    I have also seen it used at close range against a 251 halftrack. I'm not sure whether the crew was visible thereby triggering the round or whether it was being used as it was within penetration range. In any case, it did penetrate and was rather nasty. A few hundred BBs bouncing around inside a halftrack? Ouch.

  2. Degen Ion Lazarevitch (served on armored trains and the T-34/85)

    - When was ammunition replenished?

    I always watched over the ammunition stores to ensure that in addition to armor-piercing rounds, we always had five sub-caliber (hardcore) rounds and five shrapnel rounds in the tank."



    Hi John,

    I saw your other post about special rounds for the 85mm. Did you find any reference to this 85mm shrapnel round that Lazarevitch and the table at Armchair General mentions - or is it a memory/translation/cut-and-paste error?

    Lots of different websites and lots of conflicting information. Some sites call the series of ammunition for the 76mm tank gun as "350" sometimes it's "354". So confusing,

  3. What is the basis for this idea? Wearing helmets has generally been mandatory since WW1 when shrapnel starts flying, barring extremely cold weather where you have other considerations.

    Oh yes it was mandatory but amongst many Soviet soldiers they tried to wear their helmet as little as possible as it was unmanly. Often they used the helmet just as washbowl. Of course, when the shrapnel started flying you would want a helmet. Plenty of photos of Red Army soldiers wearing pilotkas in battle, just like there are many of them wearing helmets, it depends on the situation.

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