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Posts posted by nonex

  1. 6 minutes ago, Vet 0369 said:

    If they are out of the effective range of their respective weapon, they won't return fire. I will usually give a "target" command and make sure my pixeltruppen is at least within range. For example, Marines will fire at longer ranges than Army because of the differences in the max effective ranges between the Marine M-16 and M-4.

    Thing is, it happens at close range... And with the C15, against SVDs. Don't seem to have that problem on Warrior difficulty.

  2. WeGo, or to be more accurate the possibility to accurately analyse each situation on the battlefield in detail, adds so much tactical depth that i find other real time wargames dull and superficial, even if they dont have the shortcomings you mentioned. I tried many other games of the same genre, but i always came back to CM.


    WeGo is fantastic, it's true. I too come back to CM, but I can't shake the feeling of disappointment. Maybe with 4.0 everything will be fine.

  3. I agree that clusters or lines of soldiers aren't a good thing, personally, any new CM engine should allow for infantry and vehicles formations. Anyway, try to use split commands to keep more spacing among your troops, modern weapons tend to have a much stronger lethality (air burst HE rounds are very common), as regarding bad pathfinding try not to rely too much on long movement commands, keep the waypoints closer, less chances for the tacAI to screw up, also, be careful with short walls, hedges, low bocages etc.

    I'm no idjit, I split whenever I can. The pathfinding and tacAI are still pretty inexcusable, esp. in scenarios where success hinges on keeping one tank alive, but it just can't stop showing off its massive steel ass.

  4. As a twenty-something, there is a fierce competition in the games industry for my modest earnings. Few games do what Combat Mission does, and that's why I keep playing the demos. I will hold off on buying the full games, though.


    The occasionally-terrible AI is not a little thing you can handwave away. T-90AM gets laser warning'd by a completely non-threatening Bradley at point blank range and reverses into an Abrams while the turret spins impotently? Seen it more than once. Slightly nervous Jerries refusing to shoot back in favour of spinning around on the ground while Americans run over them? Yes. ****ed-up pathfinding -- why can't the game show the actual path instead of making me guess whether Private Johnson will drive his Jeep straight into the ambush I explicitly tried to avoid? Why do the soldiers cluster around each other so that any RPG can take them all out at once? (Happened to my opponent in the CMBS demo, so nice)


    I'm no rivet-counter, but some semblance of sense is kind of important for immersion. Clustered soldiers etc. always make me go from "Man, I really should buy the full version" to "Nah, **** this, I was trying to save anyway" in no time flat. CM has its moments, and I've been playing since CMBO came out, but just no. I guess it seems really good if hexes and chits were what you grew up on, but I didn't.

  5. I don't mind what he did with The Hobbit too much since I never had much regard for that book anyway. But what he did to The Two Towers and The Return of the King should absolutely not been allowed.





    Is this a Tolkien thread now?


    I hope the scenarios won't be like many were in CMSF -- one-sided stomp affairs where all the OPFOR are puny reserve conscripts and BLUFOR troops Crack/Elite gods. My friends largely refuse to H2H me because of the scenario balance in that game. :(

  6. Has something changed about how uniform textures are assigned in 1.32? I have used this excellent mod before (several patches ago) and it seemed to work just fine, but now that I have bought all the modules half the Syrian reserves still have the jumpsuits instead of camo. I gave the regulars different camo and they are suffering from a similar problem, with the additional quirk of using the reserve helmets for some reason. I think I am following the instructions from the readme as well, but if I may have screwed up somehow, do tell me.

    I want competent-looking Syrians :(

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