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Posts posted by GoodSoldierSchweik

  1. Ok bruv, do I need to uninstall what is currently installed on my machine before reinstalling?


    For the record, I thought this 'install the update' was a matter of convenience, I didn't realize it was the only recommended way to install, or that a 'piecemeal' installation would roll back to earlier versions. Neither of those points were clear to me from previous posts, which I definitely did in fact read. And the reason I downloaded CW multiple times is that someone in this thread suggested that the problem may be a bad download.

    That said, I did already install the 4.0 upgrade successfully already, it just only showed limited modules. So based on what you said, I'm wondering if all I need to do is just run the activation utility a few times?

  2. 1 hour ago, Artkin said:

    No more tricks with the upgrades. I have never had any issues. So long as you download your latest purchases then you'll have the latest patch. 

    for instance if you bought game engine 4 separate just download from that link instead of downloading the game with engine 3 first. You can always download the game and patch separate, but thats a hassle that we were trying to avoid. 

    When I get home I'll check to see how my installations came. If you are getting an error from an exe then the download probably got interrupted at some point. I remember some users saying bfc's downloads were on the slower side so it could be possible. I havent downloaded anything since cmcw dropped so I dont remember. 

    Ok thanks and good to know, I'll try again a few times. If anything else occurs to you let me know. I'm craving to play a particular scenario which I think is in the commonwealth module.

  3. I had a bad computer crash due to a power surge, which seems to happen to me every 3-4 years due to our crazy weather and 3rd World electrical system (and in spite of having full battery backups etc.). Long story short I have a new PC now, and I wanted to re-install CM. I got into your website and found the 5 orders I'd made over the years. I managed to download and install CMFB successfully, but all the others give me what Windows says is a bad zip file. On decompressing it tells me that CRC failed on multiple files (for example Setup-1f,g,k,l,p and q), and then in the end I get an error message saying "Some installation files are corrupt. Please download a fresh copy and retry the installation."

    I downloaded again and a gain and get the same result.

    This is running a PC with Windows 11

    Anyone know what this is and how to fix it?

  4. Is the Assenois map available in the 'quick mission builder'? I played through the Campaign three times, but by the time I get to the last battle, which I actually think is the most fun, I've either lost too many tanks or too much infantry or both. I'd like to try it with a more full compliment of troops.

    As for 7th and 4th Armored, they did seem to perform well in the real world, though they took a lot of casualties. I don't think it was just down to Patton. Part of what makes an 'elite' unit sometimes is having a good 'shakeout' where their first few battles go well. That's part of it.

    I also think one of the factors was that a lot of their tanks and other vehicles were substantially enhanced. For example the famous Sherman Jumbo which was the first into Bastogne "Cobra King" had a .50 caliber put in for a co-ax gun. Creighton Abrams personal tank 'Thunderbolt VII' had the front glacis from a Panther welded on over his existing front armor and extra pieces from a Sherman turret welded to the sides of his turret and hull... and a .50 cal coax.

    You can see a pic of it here http://ww2in172.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Thunder-10-Actual-Tank.jpg

    This is a model somebody made of it http://ww2in172.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Thunder-1-Left-Profile-1.jpg

    They apparently had a lot of tanks with extra armor, effectively Jumbos or close to it. They also put 76 mm guns into some of the Jumbos, many halftracks and trucks were fitted with extra .50 caliber machine guns, and so on.


  5. 9 hours ago, Schrullenhaft said:

    Make sure you select the 'Upgrade 3.0 + 4.0 Bundle':


    Your bundle of the Commonwealth + Market Garden modules appears to be 2.x only, so both the 3.0 and 4.0 Upgrades are necessary and the above bundle is the best price for them.

    Thanks for the link, there were several different options. If I get this, will it 'awaken' my now unavailable MG scenarios?

  6. Ok I managed to get CMFB updated to version 2.03 and engine 4, is that current?

    I upgraded CMBN to version 2.12 (so far0 and I went through an activation process on Market Garden which seemed to be successful, but the MG scenarios are still blocked.

    If you buy the extra vehicles and extra scenarios packages, which of the two games would it apply to? Are they available for both?


    Thanks for all the help, I'm gradually getting this up to speed.

  7. Thanks for the help.

    I bought Commonwealth + Market Garden together, which is how it worked before. My order says "CMBN Commonwealth + Market Garden Bundle

    I believe that was a version 2 install which I updated to 2.12. I only have one activation key. I'll look into the cost of upgrading to version 4.

  8. I've been getting random crashes too, which is what brought me here. I've had CM "Final Blitzkrieg" since (I think) around 2015. Never had a crash until a few weeks ago, and this was while playing an enormous scenario in campaign mode so I thought maybe I had just overloaded it. But now, similar to the OP, I seem to get regular crashes in which CM just shuts down after about an hour or two of play.

    I also have a few other problems, in that I can't log into the system to see what I've bought etc. I was going to zap it and re-download & install it from scratch but I'm glad I checked first to verify I can get into the system because now I can't. Tried resetting password but that seems to have gone into a dead end. Somehow I ended up logging into the forum instead.

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