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Posts posted by Daidalos1988


    As many times happens in these situations, you are assuming that your personal taste regarding a mission is what's "right" to think about it.

    Le'ts take this phrase of yours:ù


    "but then there is mission 2 where it's boring night recon with an even more boring force composition (Tigrs and recon troops),  with 3/4 of the map being empty and real fighting not kicking in until an hour into the whole thing, and then it's almost over"


    Personally, I find this very interesting, because it's an as best as possible approximation of the tactical reality of a recon.

    So, who's right and who's wrong? Nobody, because it's down to personal tastes. Personally, I find this kind of approach (the mission above is a good example) the most interesting and I like it a lot. Not a case CM games are thought in a way that these kind of mission are part of a campaign. The fact that you don't like it doesn't mean it's wrong in any way. It's just your personal refusal. Asking for something different because you say this is "boring" is not really any kind of criticism or construction of a discussion, it's juse venting out your tastes, and if you don't like the CM games you are not forced to play them.


    Anyway, I am glad CM games follow their traditions, and missions such as the one you described are there. That's what makes CM games in my opinion.

    If you find it boring because the force composition if tigrs and recon troops I am pretty sure that I can say CM games are not really your thing...


    As regarding how you phrase your thoughts, well, it's down to you, I know what's about map making and I spent enough time on the editor to make me say that no CM campaign mission was the result of little effort during a night. 

    Personally I don't really look forward in making any kind of discussions with people so rude behind a screen such as you, so suit yourself as you think it's best. Considering your attitude towards people you don't know and diminishing their work like you did using an arrogant and elitarist point of view, I have no real interest in participating to this arrogant discussion of yours, so I won't post here anymore.


    I don't understand why some people are reacting in such an hostile way if somebody outlines the obvious shortcomings of CM titles. The same happened in a recent thread which argued about CMs inferiority compared to GTOS.


    I mean he says what he dislikes about the CMBS campaigns and why he dislikes it and why he thinks solo-content in CMBS is inferior to previous CM titles and all you have to say is, that he should go away and look for antother game to play.


    I mean he never said he dislikes a short night recon mission per se, he just said, that if a campaign is only 5 missions long, he expects all missions to be of a certain complexity and length. And I think he has valid a point. There is too litlle content for player who are not playing MP.


    If a mission feels and plays like it was pure unimaginative padding hacked together in one evening but actually took hours and hours of work by inhouse mapbuilding experts, work efficiency as well as quality is an issue.


  2. Augusto - you wouldn't know morality if it bit you. But since you are still confused, letting you burn would most certainly improve human survival and future generations. You might even learn something from the experience, though personally I don't care whether you do. If you think about it, improves really depends on a standard of some kind or another, and really, you don't have any, so you see, what happens to you has no moral consequence whatever. I note that your own stated standard had nothing whatever to do with factors like pain, let alone mythical notions like innocence, but then in a dorm room bull session what does any of that matter? It remains a fact that I wouldn't lift a finger to help you, that there is no moral or political solidarity between us of any kind, and I am just fine with that. Meanwhile you pretend to invoke biology but seemed completely shocked when other human beings notice they have no biological reason to give a tinker's cuss about any pain, real or hypothetical, that you might experience. In short you are simply far too stupid and unselfconscious to discuss the matters you think - incorrectly - this thread is about. Back on planet earth, meanwhile, morality is real and exists as a code between men of a certain sort. And sonny, you ain't one of them.

    I wonder why moderators of this forum are tolerating such a behavior.

    It seems like this guy has some serious illusions about his own intellectual capabilities....now the fact that he cites Karl Popper makes sense.

    @agusto: Don't try to talk with people about morals who don't even have manners. You wouldn't try to talk with your dog about maths, would you?

  3. Have viewed them all, the armchair vids were a gerat help to get started, thanks.

    Concerning the human vs human playing....is it posible in real time? I think I really hate the turn based mode and moreover PBEM is a hassle.

    How do I get a multiplayer game? There seems to be no gamelobby or something...

  4. Hi,

    I just bought CMFI two weeks ago and despite the clunky controls I am really enjoying it so far. I really appreciate the degree of realism and the slow, tacticool gameplay.

    Anyway I have a problem/complaint.

    While I am new to the Combat Mission series I have some basic knowledge about infantry tactics and I am used to milsim games.

    What really annoys me with Combat Mission is the fact that I seem to always have to attack against overwhelming odds. Most offensive missions I played have a force ratio of 1:1 or 1:1,5 in favor of the enemy and if that wasn't enough the enemy has most of the time several advantages. I will outline this a little bit:

    I played the allied campaign "Troina" and while the first mission went rather succesfull the second mission was a nightmare.

    I had to restart the mission after my first try to take the hill miserably failed.

    The second attempt was a slight improvement...However, I am supposed to assault an entrenched, company sized enemy forced which is equipped with MGs and heavy guns with just two (or three) Infantry platoons and a platoon of totally useless halftracks. I mean these are not realistic odds, are they?

    You would want to have a numeric superiority of 3:1 or even more.

    So the mission was a pain, I had to advance superslow, calling in massive artillery strikes and cover every small advance with smoke. After more than an hour I was able to take the first line of defences with my infantry (artillery did the most killings while the infantry was limited to shoot some demoralized survivors).

    In the end I almost ran out of time and out of artillery shells so I had to assault the peak rashly which led to high casualties.

    The third mission seems to be of the same kind, you have to assault a well equipped enemy sitting on a hill top with just a weak infantry force.

    I hope nobody gets me wrong, I like the game and most of the time I enjoy it, but it seems to be unrealistic if you have to achieve ridiculous kill/death ratios of 4:1 or 5:1 to win a mission.

    Of course my failures may be results of bad coordination or bad tatcics but I have the impression I am always short on infantry and the enemy has such an advantageous position that the only way I can advance is to call in artillery strikes and let my infantry mop up the survivors.

    I have to admit that on most mission where I have to be on the offensive I have problems, sometimes the time is runnig out and sometimes I have the feeling I have just too few soldiers (and sometimes both).

    For example I found the mission of the german campaign (a moment in time) in the market garden module extremely difficult. I was unable to get even a foothold into the town. The americans seemed to be unimpressed by the suppressing fire of 2 HMGs and despite beeing pounded by 50mm mortars they picked off my infantry. After 30mins, 20 casualties and zero achievement I aborted the mission.

    Maybe somebody has a few hints what my mistakes are? Or knows some custom made missions which have realistic force ratios....

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