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Posts posted by alexg6464

  1. On 4/25/2021 at 8:03 PM, Ultradave said:

    I tested this campaign pretty throroughly (along with others). I had not had this happen and I just tried it again and was able to cross just fine with all 3 of those tanks. I used different sets of waypoints for each, including one in the middle of the bridge  (I did have a similar problem on a later scenario in the campaign but that got fixed). 

    Do you have a save game with it stuck you can post?

    Can you try saving and then restarting it from the save? Or start from scratch to see if it happens again?

    As to the second one, yes, been reported and reproduced. So someone will be on that. Thanks.


    I've now tried redoing the first mission of the campaign, nothing in regards to the bridge happened, I sent across 3 T-34s and 3 Shermans, none of them got stuck.

  2. 3 hours ago, Ultradave said:

    I tested this campaign pretty throroughly (along with others). I had not had this happen and I just tried it again and was able to cross just fine with all 3 of those tanks. I used different sets of waypoints for each, including one in the middle of the bridge  (I did have a similar problem on a later scenario in the campaign but that got fixed). 

    Do you have a save game with it stuck you can post?

    Can you try saving and then restarting it from the save? Or start from scratch to see if it happens again?

    As to the second one, yes, been reported and reproduced. So someone will be on that. Thanks.


    Sadly I have progressed past the first mission, although tomorrow I will be able to restart and see if it happens again, and if it does, hand the save over to you.

  3. Hi!

    I'm enjoying my time with Fire and Rubble so far, the first campaign I decided to dig into was 'To Berlin'.

    While playing the first mission of the campaign, I realized that after my first T-34 crossed the river at the player's starting side of the map, that my remaining T-34's wouldn't cross the bridge despite a full roaring engine. What I saw instead was that upon moving from the second to the third 'square' of bridge, out of a total of about 6, the leading T-34 out of the two still on the bridge, would be teleported back to the beginning of the square.

    This is naturally quite a hassle as I wanted those extra T-34s to assist the platoon assigned to clearing Wieniec (or whatever that starting city was called). I didn't try to move any other vehicle like my M4A2's or my BA64's or the Jeep across since I was expecting the same reaction.

    Also, in order to not create another thread, I will note that T-34 road wheels seem to pull a road runner when you're not very close to them which is a bit comedic but also chaotic and most definitely unintended, even if T-34 engineering was sometimes not entirely professional :P

  4. 9 hours ago, MikeyD said:

    Tanks are usually designed to take a hit from the front along an arc about 45 degrees to either side. Once you're outside that zone their vulnerability spikes dramatically. Lobbing 40mm rounds at a tank might hit the fuel tanks or the gunner's sight, the rear, the commander's cupola or engine deck. If you inf are close enough to be firing 40mm at a tank they're already in a desperate situation.

    As much as that makes sense, it pains me that I equip 2-3 men with M136's for antitank purposes, and the infantry still decides the smartest course of action is lobbing 40mm grenades at the tanks, instead of just letting the anti-tank in the same squad handle it.

    I suppose the answer is still that I could split off the anti-tank section of a squad and try to use them for tank-hunting instead of the entire squad.

  5. 1 hour ago, Grey_Fox said:

    Could be that they are trying to damage subsystem?

    Maybe you could try splitting teams more, or using anti-tank teams?

    That's an idea I'll try taking into account.

    I get fatigued from the micromanaging a little fast compared to other people, so I tend to go sloppy towards the end of missions just to get them finished.

    49 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    40x46mm M433 HEDP (dual purpose) round is a HE round with a HEAT function. The 40x53mm M430 HEDP can penetrate 51mm of steel plate, the M430A1 cam penetrate 76mm. Which round does the M203 grenade launcher chamber? ...That would be the M433 round.

    But as far as my limited knowledge of T-72 armor from other video games is concerned, even a T-55A should be capable of withstanding 76mm of penetration power from the side.

    I don't know how an export T-72 would fare compared to that, but I imagine better.

  6. AL HAWL SF2 played in turn-based mode.

    The boys are moving building to building pushing back, eliminating or neutralizing Syrian squads that belong to the Guards Armored Division.

    Eventually I get my soldiers eliminated slowly by a very careless group of T-72s with ERA plates.

    As the battle is winding down I get what's left of my soldiers into anti-tank hunting setup, as most of my Stryker MGS' have been taken out. This includes arming on-foot crewmen of downed Strykers, headquarter units and all squads, with anti-tank weapons from the still-operational APCs that haven't been taken out.

    The problem arises when I move my soldiers into good angles to kill the tanks. Sometimes a 'Fast' movement order with an anti-armor target arc in the general area of the tank will make the first man to enter the building I designated as firing position think that he is single-handedly able to kill a T-72 from the side with an underbarrel grenade launcher, thus effectively being a door-knocker for the tank to turn around and blast back with a shell full of HE. This usually terrifies the surviving soldiers, along with any potential AT-carrier that didn't get blown to dust, and they run away. Quite frustrating.

    I had something similar happen only slightly later in the same scenario, in a situation with a squad loaded with M136's, and this one made me quit out of frustration:
    One of the remaining squads that was very intact was laying in ambush around a building for a T-72 that had carelessly blasted through my line somehow. The tank rolls up, gets in sight of the squad as I prepare to see the satisfying "HIT: Side: PENETRATED" message pop up. But instead, John Smartass, laying on the ground, places his booger hook on the trigger of his underbarreled grenade launcher and lets one rip into the side of the T-72. Sure, I get a "HIT" message, but as with what I described earlier, the tank simply turns it's big scary turret towards the soldier and, without further retaliation, kills 80% of the squad with a well-placed HE shell. I then quit the match in frustration and shut the game down to write this. (Then I forgot my password and it is now 16 hours later.

    Did the soldiers think it was smart to detonate the ERA plates with underbarrel grenades to give an anti-tank man a bigger chance to penetrate? I would be able to understand if it was the BMP2's we were fighting in the same mission, since they're easy as pie to knock out with flank shots, or grenade launching Strykers.

  7. So I'm on the fence of getting a Combat Mission game becuase I've been a fan of the demos for so long, and Red Thunder strikes me as the game that would interest me the most. Problem is, for a 60$ price tag, I would like to know that I have sufficient content in the base game alone to play for a long time with variety. I'm a singleplayer type player, I don't usually play multiplayer.

    So the question is, how many individual scenarios / campaigns are there, aside from the Quick Battles?

    Sorry if this question gets posted every other day, I scrolled back a few pages but found nothing of the likes.

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