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Posts posted by UKMule

  1. Yeah, I very, very rarely ever have a use for MOVE as it's supposed to be moving in safe rear areas only (I guess in a vulnerable "road march column").

    For recon units I generally use a combination of HUNT and QUICK with 15-30 second rest stop waypoints in between.

    (I rarely use FAST. Only when I worry about incoming arty. I don't see much speed difference between QUICK and FAST over short distances, but the troops sure tire quicker on FAST.)

    MOVE could be more useful as a "strategic move" order on larger maps. Maybe it should automatically enable troops to move as quickly as possible between waypoints without getting worse than "tiring" - eg: move QUICK with automatic rest stops when needed. That way one wouldn't have to monitor the troops, just set waypoints and forget.

    Totally agree.

  2. I am fairly new to Combat Missions and its unique style of play. I have been dipping in and out for some time and can now after a few hours of reading up on effective tactics get some decisive victorys all be it in Basic Training mode. I would love to try this stuff out in a HTH (PBME) game but have never done so and have no idea how it works apart from looking at some AAR on YouTube.

    So if anyone fancy s a game i would love to try. I have CMBN MG CW

  3. For ages i have been looking for a World War 1 or 2 RTS or RPG game that wasn't a click fest. I wanted a game where i could sit back, plan and perhaps use realistic tactics with a bit of thought behind each move. I downloaded the demo sometime in the summer of 2011, i think (might be wrong i am getting old) anyway i found the control system clunky and just gave up. A year later after another search for a slower paced game i always seem to come back here to Battlefront. I downloaded the demo again and tried the demo mission and got my ass whooped. I gave up and deleted it from my hard drive. Then after more searching and reading reviews i .............yep came back here. This time i bought the sodding thing and this kind of forced me to learn after departing with my hard earned cash. I say learn it, i mean get my head round the whole pace and approach of the thing, if that makes sense?

    Anyway after watching some great tutorials on You Tube and reading through these, it has to be said, great forum, i managed to get my first decisive victory and absolutely loved it.

    I continue to get my arse kicked on most missions but i can see small steps in progress.

    I want to thank the game designers and all the people who post so much helpful information and tips. Without it i will still be on Google typing "tactical slow paced cerebral strategy game"

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