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Posts posted by 8ballj

  1. This campaign modification idea would still be a good seller. I would have suggested using a spreadsheet engine that rebuilds random battles in detail. So that you'd have the core force rules in a simple visual basic, but that ties into the original CMBB/CMAK/renewed CMBO engine. Therefore you could choose to be the commander of a company > division, with tracked supply, losses, leader names and traits, and expierence.

    Tweaking the map randomization to use template areas for better realism. Randomizing how many battles to be fought and force levels on each map. The time periods moving incrementally with longer periods of rest and refit. Tracking air superiority, interdiction on supply, ground attacks, as well as AAA defense.

    Seems to me it would all be alot of hard crunching numbers except for the executable rewriting. I doubt the GNU product covers a decompiled CMBB. CMx1 is the best tactical wargame on the market for older computers, and rivals current engines in strategy. Oh, yeah an updated AI would definitely be needed too...

    Actually, all they really needed to do was create a version of CM with an input/output open file format for creating battles. The "Campaign Manager" would have practically written itself.

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