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Posts posted by Jonnycc88

  1. Nope the way i see it is i air things in public so you can't just send me a snotty PM or Just ban me out right.

    Plenty of witnesses so its not a case of your word against mine.

    Quite frankly my people skills are more tailored to dealing with people that joeblogs civi doesn't like to talk too, So yeah I'm Combative well that is my nature, but how would you feel if you asked for help of somebody who is obliged to help you as your a paying customer with a instant ban because there inability to separate a troll from a legit customer.

    ITs pretty easy for me to say your jack and crap at your job because your arguing with a paying customer over your poor choice of words.

    I've taken in to consideration that you are showing some remorse and have chosen your words better this time. But I'm not going to be put off by you telling me your going to ban me if i reply in what you deem negative manner.

    Mate, I've been shot at rocketed, morterd by real bad guys and i still got up everyday for 6months to do my job you honestly think saying your going to ban me would make a difference at all? I made a second account because you banned my first for Christ sakes.

    I would ask for a refund but i know your policy says nay to that.

    So ban away if you think that's the correct course of action but it just makes you and your company look unprofessional and shows you have absolutely know interest in the welfare of your community.

    "yeah giz us your money.. f*ck off"

    And lastly I think my behavior is entirely reasonable to say that I purchased two games and modules from YOU and you repay me by being incompetent and rude.

    So does it really surprise you how "combative" i am?

    Edit: well i see you've changed your tune with the hole uniform thing thank you for that by the way genuinely

  2. If you are a new poster, then I give you a qualified apology. Qualified because:

    2. You are using the same ISP network as the person I just banned and the other I strongly suspect set the account up. An ISP, I might add, that often shows up in such cases.

    You've got a lot to learn about people skill don't you. Basically your insinuating that I'm "Trakko" which is insulting my integrity Basically what your saying is "I'm not apologizing because I'm too arrogant".

    You messed up show some moral fiber and bite the bullet.

    See above. And if you think you were banned because of your question then you are the one who hasn't done his homework.

    No i was banned because YOU went weapons free on everyone.

    No escalation of Force just weapons free.

    I posted there because i Google searched why i couldn't change my uniforms and when they did they weren't all going camo. IT just so happened i stumbled across this thread at the top of the forum. Threads tend to bump i just stumbled across the first one that might answer my question.

    And I'm assuming that your not from the UK or you would know that all ISP's rent there lines from British Telecoms so i suppose we will all have the same IP? I don't know I'm a professional soldier not a computer whizz.

    Maybe you can tell that by my lingo and horrible spelling and Happy go Lucky attitude.

    Lastly on my little Rant you banned me with the "Battle Front.com" username Awesome bit of negative PR there for your company it spells.

    "We ban people with legitimate questions about a potential bug with our software to avoid negative press" Brilliant.

    No wait there's one more.

    Now your accusing me of not doing my "homework" so in total you've insulted my intelligence questioned my integrity and basically treated me like a total belled.

    I Own Normandy, shockforce, beyond overlord and most of the modules. i can tell you now that i wont be purchasing from your site again.

    I suppose I'm going to be banned again for this too but hey such is life,

    Thanks for nothing.


    Hello Steve.

    If you checked the IP's you would see that i am in fact a real person, Not a duplicate account. (well this one is as you BANNED mine.)

    And I believe you owe me an apology.

    Quite Frankly your customer service is shocking i ask a question and get banned because your too jack to do your job properly and check IPs.

    On topic

    But yes.

    I have to set the date to june for the chairborne warriors?

    And those pictures of the Stormtroopers are those mods?

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