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Posts posted by Bowcaster

  1. Yeah, mortars are the "Rock" to ATG's "Scissors"...

    It sounds a little bit (to me, with very incomplete info) like you might be trying to rush things a bit much. Was it necessary to commit your infantry before the ATGs were dealt with (perhaps in order to get spotter LOS)? I can see if you're up against a time constraint, you might need to push with the infantry before their clanking, snorting friends can come and help, but usually taking your time will pay off in increased speed once you do get a-movin'.

    The AI tends to use all its Tube Guys at ineffectively long ranges if it gets the option. Zooks and Shrecks have a notional range of 250m or so, but I would call a 100m shot the absolute maximum at which I'd consider opeining up with either. The AI takes the "paper" number though, as its effective range.

    One side of the map was full of trees and buildings, so that is where I used infantry instead of tanks. I smoked the area and then advanced my infantry. When the smoke cleared, to my surprise there was much more enemy resistance than I anticipated, which is why I took heavy losses. I realized later that after taking out the AT guns I probably could have completed the mission without even using my infantry.

  2. Thank you, I ended up using my mortars to take em out. But of course the downside is I had fewer mortars to use against the enemy infantry and the ones I did have missed their mark so my infantry took a pretty good beating from enemies in entrenched positions. Once I made sure all their AT guns were destroyed, I rushed in with my tanks alleviating my broken infantry and decimating the remaining resistance. It also seems that the bazookas American infantry carry are wildly inaccurate, they fired quite a few of them at my Panzers, but I don't think any of them hit, and certainly no kills.

  3. Hello all,

    I've played CM:SF and CM:A and I just purchased FI. I'm on the second mission of the Conrath's Counterattack campaign and I am having some trouble. My infantry keeps getting pummeled by American AT guns. Machine gun fire seems useless and getting my armor involved before the AT guns are destroyed is suicide. There are too many guns and too spread out for artillery to be effective. What's your strategy for taking out AT guns?

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