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Posts posted by marseu

  1. Thanks for showing an interest.

    Anyone can participate in coming up with operational orders. However, to play any of the CM battles that are generated, you must have CMBN CW v2.01, and be able to process at least one PBEM turn a day. Eligibility is also based on a first come first served basis. Which means you will be third on the list, after Strachwitz (1) and ian Leslie (2). Therefore, you can only play a CM battle if there are either three battles, players higher up the list cannot play at the time of the battle, or someone drops out of a battle because of real life issues.

    About my turn rate it isn't a problem, strachwitz can witness this :). But I really don't know from where to begin. I never played Panzer campaign, is there some kind of tutorial from where I can get info's?

  2. Hi,

    First of all I want to say that this is my first scenario, so I guess you let me know what you thnik about it after tried. Use this thread for feedback and many thanks in advance.

    So in this historical scenario I tried to recreate the fightings that took place on Gela Beaches during landings of the Force X.

    At the moment I have been focused on the Eastside events that involved 4th Ranger Battalion, and Combat engineers.

    But the Idea is to realse soon the Westside landing also, that involved the 1th Ranger Battalion.

    Then the Intial engages of the Rangers defending beacheheads against Livorno Division attack from Niscemi.

    WARNING: it involves many units so during reinforcments spawn you will expirience some lag, that after a while go away.

    Please post Feedback, AAR etc.. Thanks

  3. Hi I'm working on a little campaign, with scenarios of Huge maps.

    This campaign will recreate the landings at Gela and the capture of the city itself, untill the arrival of the Livorno regiment from Niscemi in counterattack.

    Especially it is focused on the fightings of the 2 Rangers batallions against Italian coastal defense division that was in Gela at the time of the landings.

    Anyway I'm not very good in english so I need someone that could translate briefing from Ita to Eng.

    Can someone help?

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