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Posts posted by Nuggetz

  1. Big thread here but I just wanted to chime in and ask a question. Is the dev team growing at all? I agree that this is a top notch game and the replay value is awesome but at some point people are going to want better features. Not sure how much money the battlefront people have made from all the games they released but at some point you would think they'd invest that into better tools, more people, better engines, etc instead of trying to model every possible military from around the world. I think this caters to the die hard military guys who get a kick out of seeing their favorite tank in game. I have no idea what all the in game equipment is nor do I know a whole lot of the history. I am a simulation buff so lets get to simulating better things and give the players more ability.. Once you've played one, haven't you kind of played them all?

    I was actually thinking of buying the Normandy game but its not really clear how much it differs and that's been sort of making me hesitant to pull the trigger. At the end of the day if the textures, models and weapons are different then I think that maybe this approach is alienating potential customers. I dont know. Like I said, I only own CM:FI but I'd like to see planes in the game. If one game had planes and another one didn't I'd go straight out and buy it but I dont think that's the case.

  2. Crash to desktop is common enough I think when both of my computers with different hardware configs both suffer CTD with CMFI and not with CMBN/CW :P.

    Sometimes things like that can be a tough nut to crack. I resorted to re-installing Windows 7 on my machine because normal things would no longer work without crashing and I tried everything - drivers, uninstalling a bunch of useless crap, etc and nothing fixed it but the reinstall. Good excuse to pick up an SSD for me. :-) Not saying that you should do that but sometimes its a unique software config on your machine that causes troubles which is why others might not reporting the same issues. I assume you're running Windows.

  3. My impression from your description is, that you are looking at it more as a shooter game. Dashing around corners and shooting the enemy is common in Hoolywood movies and action games, but has not much to do with the reality.

    Actually, quite the opposite. I loathe shooters or anything that's not realistic. I play sims exclusively. Racing, military, etc. I've been searching for a sim like CM for a long time and I'm suprised that I didn't know it existed until I discovered CM:Touch on my iPad. Its quite funny how I found the PC version... I was doing a search for a "Combat Mission:Touch" clone for PC :-)

    I believe Erwin described exactly what I'm trying to do perfectly and I will test what he suggested via the pause system. I'm not trying to target something I can't see or something that the unit in game doesn't have information about. What I'm saying is that I would like to suppress an area with fire in one turn once I've moved from my position of not having LOS to the target. Knowing that my 2nd move will give me LOS, I'm just trying to plan what to do at that point in one turn.

    You can issue move orders to several way points and then select each way point and add pauses and target commands to each. That is the mechanism to allow you to give complex orders. For your example issue a move order to a location where you can target the area you want. Select that way point. Add a pause to that way point (press the pause button multiple times to increase the length of the pause) then with the way point still selected pick a target command to the location you want the unit to shoot. Then deselect the way point and add additional movement commands as needed to get your guys to cover again.

    BINGO!! That worked perfectly. Is there a way to set a pause for less than 5 seconds? Probably not, huh?

  4. I'm new to the whole CM series and noticed a few oddities while playing this afternoon. Sometimes it appears that LOS isn't calculated correctly. I had a tank trying to take a shot at the top part of a building where some AI were spotted but the game kept insisting that I didn't have good LOS. I obviously positioned my camera to match that of the tank and I clearly had a shot. Sure, it wasn't that big but it was there nonetheless. Is there some limitation perhaps that tops of building can't be targeted? I've seen this happen numerous times. In situations where there's no question that you have a clear LOS, targeting works fine but certain situations where you're trying to fire just left of an obstacle for example give me the most trouble. Its almost as if you can't fire on someone else without exposing yourself first.

    Another issue I've seen was when I had an AI soldier cornered between a building a cement wall and no matter what my commander team did, they could not hit the guy. We were maybe 8 meters away and had clear LOS. Why does the AI miss when they're really close to their targets? Is it because the engine is coded that way - almost to miss on intentionally like an RPG? I think in real life you would expect a soldier with even the most minuscule amount of experience with a rifle to hit their target by their 30th try. Can someone explain why this happens in game? That's just one example. I can put 2 guys in front of a whole firing squad and they wouldn't be dead right away. Half the people would miss for some reason. Just trying to understand why this is.

    My third point is related to issuing commands. Aside from playing in realtime, is there a way to give a unit a move and target order in the same turn if the original position of the attacking unit didn't have a clear LOS? As an example, I had a few men in position behind a building. Obviously no LOS to the target. I wanted to lay down some suppression fire with this unit of men but it takes 2 turns to pull that off. I should be able to move my men 2 feet and then start firing on a target but instead I have to move them out of cover - simulate- target - simulate. It seems like the target arc could be used to mitigate this but that's not the same. I want them to start firing. I think there should be no limitations with what you can set up during your turn. If I want to move someone out of cover, suppress, pause, and then return to cover I should be able to do that. Am I looking at this game genre wrong?

  5. Sorry if you find the answer rude. I had to decide if i find the question being idiotic or a trolling one, since a ten second forum-search would have answered it faster to you, than waiting for a reply.

    Give the guy a break. This whole series is confusing. I posted the same question and thankfully ran into considerate users. We were all noobs at one point or another.

    If your such an expert, why enter this useless thread and leave a reply like that? No offense but I think you're doing the trolling here.

  6. I just bought fortress Italy and was thinking of picking up the Normandy title. When upgrades to Normandy are released, will a new version of the full game be available for purchase or would I have to buy Normandy, and then pay for an upgrade?

    I've only played a few hours of CM:FI and have no other CM games. Are the features in FI that much better compared to Normandy? Never seen so many people so happy to pay for additional features. Lol. From a graphics perspective i cant tell the difference. Actually The Normandy videos I've watched on YouTube look better. Maybe it's the maps and all the greenery.. Besides moveable waypoints, what does FI have over Normandy? This whole CM series confuses me :-)

    This is a terrific game. I'm surprised tat I just came across this series. CM:touch on the iPad turned me on to it. I was actually searching for comparable games like CM touch for PC and was ecstatic when I realized what I've been missing.

    Seems like this is a small shop but are there any plans for revamping the graphic engine? Since I play wego I'm surprised that performance isn't better since the moves are pre calculated.

  7. It just seems like there are more features in Normandy. One other thing is the wiki says that Normandy and Italy use the cm2 engine but on the fortress Italy page it says that FI is the first game built on cm2. What does that mean? Has Normandy been patched to cm 2?

  8. I just picked up CM:FI just because it was he "newest" one but I'm wondering if there are certain things that you can or can't do in the other games? I've been eyeballing Normandy and was wondering if there's a chart or something that highlights the major differences between games. Saw a video walk thru on YouTube and there seemed to be a way of checking line of sight before selecting a waypoint for your men. Video made mention if the T key. Does that work in fortress Italy?

    For example, the Italian army doesn't seem to have radios or at least the infantry I was paying with this afternoon didn't. I'm interested in stuff like that. Don't really care too much about graphics as they look similar to me. Before I shell out cash for normandy, I'd like to know what it has over any other in the series.

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