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Posts posted by Kosigan

  1. Yeah, you've got to really stay in a stand off mode using reverse slopes and foliage on this one. It took me A LOT of tries, but once I realized this mission is all about scouting, airpower and precision artillery, it kinda all clicked. Gotta time your big airstrikes for the initial thrust of the mech divison zerg, that'll clog up the roads and create a lot of awkward movement that'll allow your troops to pick them off and then quickly withdraw. Rinse and repeat. I set up a small team in the left hand woods at the highest point (can snipe the harder to get AA from here), and the hill on the right is where most of the javelines / atgm should be concentrated in places easy to get reverse slope / foliage concealment from... GL! :)

    Oh and I bomb the crap out of  the village with one of the arties at least for a bit - the shell holes and carnage there also seems to cause some chaos when the zerglings try to rush through.

  2. Ouch! That's the thing about the PzIV's vs the Shermans. I always pray for a lower hull hit on my PzIV's because at least then it's usually just a partial penetration at most from the Sherman's 75mm, but the turret shots are usually knock out punches. This is another reason why I sometimes wonder about being hull-down in a PzIV; obviously it's best to have a low profile, but its turret armor is its weakest spot on the front (barring the mantlet or a good angle).

  3. Hi, just registered and wanted to congratulate Battlefront.com on a great game and release! I've always supported any work being done on realistic RTS's such as CM, but I've had difficulty getting into the previous games. Between the updated graphics, easy-to-follow tutorial, and much better user interface - I think I'm hooked!

    Have been a long time Close Combat fan (played all the new re-released ones), but this game brings it to a whole other level and definitely satisfies the my itch for a truly realistic WW2 game. My dream would be the campaign map conquest-style of CC mixed in as well :).

    One of the things I appreciate the most that I've seen so far - clipping through the tanks and vehicles and seeing all their little insides modeled perfectly.

    A job well done!

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