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Posts posted by Romans1136

  1. I purchased CMSF and Marines (Bundle). It installed correctly. I dl the patch 1.21. I selected it to update CMSF and Marines. While it was installing, I got a virus error. I dl from another site and the same thing happened again.

    "Movefile failed; code 2"

    Cannot find the specified file.

    I also receive an antivirus warning so I am guessing that it is removing a file as suspicious.

    I searched the forums and could not find this error.

    Thank you!

  2. Thanks to everyone with their helpful comments. I am amazed at the knowledge level of those on the forums.

    Reminds me of being in Economics class as a freshmen. The professor asked a question and wanted to know if anyone had the answer. I sat there thinking, "I don't even understand the question!". Some of the posts are that detailed in information. Impressive.

    Anyway, thanks again to everyone. Really appreciate it.

    I am playing through the tutorials and am learning quite a bit. I have the camera down and get this, I even successfully used mods to change the appearance of the Sherman tanks (late). :)

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