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Ghost of war

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Posts posted by Ghost of war

  1. Sorry to disappoint you Strat, but hereby I surrender and announce the end of this AAR. I talked to Ivanov and he agreed that it’s better to stop it now.

    Soviet advantage is too big so that I can stop them. I neglected producing new units when I had plenty of MPPs and now it’s getting worse with every turn, because my losses are too big to be replenished with new units. Moreover I don’t have much to write about after my turn, I just withdraw and try to avoid losses. I guess that it has already become tiresome to read.

    Here are some screenshots that prove my point. Unfortunately the war is over for Germany.

    MPPs production for Soviets and Axis.



    Research values. Probably Ivanov will soon have all the technologies at maximum .



    So thanks to Ivanov for the amusing game and thanks to all the forum members for reading this AAR. I hope it wasn't very boring :).

    In the next few days, as soon as I find some time, I will sum up the German strategy and will write few words about the things that need to be avoided by the Axis Player.

  2. Sorry for the slight delay, but holidays with the family are not the best time for strategic games :).

    So, the recent moves of the Soviets were very concerning, they seized Kiev easily. Our reaction at this stage of the game can be only one: withdrawal. Looks like the Dnepr line will be lost within the next few turns. Honestly speaking, it will be a miracle if the Germans survive 1943. The MPPs production is getting lower every turn . Additionally we had to face yet another decision event- forming special interceptors squadron which will defend the industry in western Germany from the air raids. It will cost us 30 MPPs per turn, though I can imagine that the losses from the air raids may be even bigger.


    So it looks like the distribution of MPPs will be even bigger challenge for OKH than facing the Soviet Hordes.

  3. Very nice propaganda. We all know how people love the Soviet “liberators”. Though on the other hand, those citizens of Riga who don’t love them, may have been already sent to Siberia…

    On the South it was all quiet. However we observed that many Soviet armies have been sent away from the Southern Front. Ivanov is probably concentrating his forces in order to create new front, maybe in the centre?

    We also managed to withdraw most of our units from the steppes on the eastern bank of Dnepr. Gen. von Manstein certainly did a great job. Führer was pleased and Erich doesn’t need to buy a plane ticket to Argentina… for now.


    In the North we struggle to create a stable frontline. OKH sent some infantry units to the northern front this turn, we’ll see if they manage to hold the advancing Reds.

  4. - AGN truly is miserable, I hope Hilter won't ask those poor guys to defend Kurland to death...

    - At least there is some hope in the south where holding the defensive line behind the Dnepr may allow to put some units in reserve and redirect spare troops to the north...

    Who will save the Reich ? Manstein ? Model ? Guderian ? Maybe Stalin himself :D ?

    Yeah, the thing is that in North Ivanov wasn't pushing very hard, so far (in comparison with the South). That's why I felt I needed more troops in the South where I was trying to build a defense line on Dnepr. But maybe I was wrong and will pay for this dearly :confused:

    Anyway Dnepr seems to be a good solution for the rest of 1943 and in the next couple of turns we will see what to do with the North.

  5. I am afraid it’s too late to save the Reich now :).

    Not much changes on the Eastern Front and I feel it is going to look like this till the very end. Army Group South has built a sensible defense line based on Dnepr river. Will it be enough to stop the Soviets? I really hope so, but Ivanov has already shown he can perfectly control this human swarm. Till now his Red Army was focused on attacking our southernmost forces which was good, because we could entrench our troops on the western banks of Dnepr. However we have lost many units and it will be really hard to re-create them as the MPPs production is lower every turn.


    In the North, gen. Model hasn’t received many troops to stop Red Army, but we will send him most of our troops which are currently being produced. Therefore good ol’ Walther doesn’t have much choice, he needs to withdraw quicker than he initially planned as the gaps between our forces are too big. I am afraid that the fate of Riga has been sealed.


  6. Losing Dvinsk (not Ovinsk! it is a mistake) was rather disappointing. OKH believed we could hold on to that city for another couple of turns. After the city fell, we decided to abandon our positions near Polotsk as it would be impossible to hold the line of Dvina. We are still defending the Riga.


    In the south there was a violent battle around Dnipropetrovsk. In result the Soviets lost couple of units. We also managed to cause severe damage to one of their advancing Tank Groups.


    Further South, we are continuing the withdrawal, therefore we abandoned (on purpose ;)) the city of Melitopol.


  7. Given the numbers and Soviet superiority I must be really lucky to be still alive :). Anyway, numbers are not everything in our little war, Com. Ivanov, though I must admit, I feel I am doomed to be defeated, unless Fuhrer comes up with some Wunderwaffe…

    The situation hasn’t changed much since the last turn. Army Group ‘South’, led by the Magnificent Two: Gen. Guderian and Gen. von Manstein, withdraws slowly, causing casualties to the Soviet spearheads. Meanwhile, recently resurrected Gen. Kleist organizes the defenses along the Dnepr. At the back of the front we reinforce our Luftwaffe forces, as much as we can. Remember that Fuhrer decided that we should strengthen Sicily? Well, it still costs us 30 MPPs every turn.


    In the North we try to prevent Soviet forces from capturing Latvia. The heroic defense of Dvinsk (or Daugavpils as the Latvians call it) brings effects: Soviet mechanized units suffered heavy casualties and the Tank Group withdrew after the counterattack of Gen. Model’s forces. In the region of Riga, gen. List does all what he can to build an efficient defense line. Given the fact, that his resources are really limited, OKH is really afraid what will happen in the next few days. We will try to send him some reinforcements in the next turn.


    That’s all for today! Stay tuned to witness the Axis’ struggle for survival!

  8. Alright, plan for the next couple of turns: RUN AWAY!!! And seriously, I need to get Army Group ‘South’ from the Eastern Ukraine as soon as possible. I will try to base my defense on the Dnepr line (like the Germans actually did in 1943). Though it won’t be easy, cause the left flank really is in danger (as I predicted few posts back, unfortunately I didn’t have any resources to take any actions against it…). Fortunately I noticed that many Ivanov’s units have low readiness too, so he cannot pursue as fast as he would probably want.


    Gen. Model took the command of the Army Group ‘North’. But there isn’t much to report, as we continue withdrawal towards Latvia. Soviet mechanized units were silent this turn, so they will probably activate themselves in the next turn.

    Meanwhile in Sicily…


  9. Not many interesting news to report. We continue our withdrawal towards the west.


    This turn we also managed to solve our little problem with the Soviet airborne/marine attack on our back.


    Also we try to create new stable frontline in the north, but currently the Soviets are really numerous and it’s pretty hard for us.



    The Soviets have already proven in 1942 that they fight till the last man, now the Germans show that they are fighting till the last bullet (and the British are fighting till the last Aussie and New Zealander, but the British are not in the scope of this campaign).

  10. Another day of struggle against the Soviet War Machine. It turns out that this time it is going to be a struggle for life :).

    Army Group North lost its leader, Gen. Hoeppner, but the situation is not that bad. The Soviets are not as numerous as in the South. Additionally this turn their advancing panzer forces have been cut off and severely weakened (they lost a Mechanized Corps). Their readiness and morale will be much lower in the next turn.


    The airborne and marine operation was daring and unexpected, though Soviet troops were actually convicted to death (not the first time during this war when STAVKA decided to do so). Most of the attacking forces were destroyed and we managed to capture Taganrog. In the next turn we will destrouy the forces defending Melitpol. Though one thing is sure: STAVKA managed to distract our Panzer forces from the frontline.


    Overall situation looks alarming after the recent movement of Gen. Rokossovski’s forces on the left flank of Army Group ‘Centre’. Now they are a great threat for our main forces in the South, which may be cut off from the mainland. We will surely have a tough nut to crack in the coming turns.


  11. This turn there is not much to report. We continue our withdrawal and counterattacking enemy units which are too much ahead. OKH is worried about the situation of the Army Group ‘North’ and sent some reinforcements for Gen. Hoeppner . Unfortunately we are unable to send any Panzer units, which, I afraid, may be used by the Soviets. STAVKA behaves like a shark when it feels blood in a water : they pursue without any break with their minds set on one thing :). Anyway, we will continue the evacuation towards the West.

    Also, though Army Group ‘South’ is a formidable force and the Soviets do not risk frontal assault, our situation between Army Groups ‘North’ and ‘Centre’ is becoming more and more dangerous, as the gap between them is growing. From the next turn we will start strengthening of their flanks.

    This turn we also used the fact that there was a bad weather on the Soviet side of the front and Red Sparrows couldn’t defend their forces :). All in all, maybe it wasn’t coincidence but our new ‘Wunderwaffe’? Maybe from now on, the Soviets will suffer from the bad weather all the time…


  12. The numbers may be against us, but numbers are not everything, Kamerad Ivanov! During the next few months we will prove it.

    OKH was quite surprised with the Soviet production over the winter 1942/43. We didn’t expect them to build armies that large so quickly. In this situation it would be pointless to perform major offensive actions, we should continue withdrawal westwards. This tactics should bring us success, as we need to persevere till the end of 1944 (the game ends on 1.1.1945).

    Here is the overall situation:


    Soviet steamroller pushes our main forces in the South from two directions: Kursk and Stalingrad. However the main part of the battle took place between Stalingrad and Rostov. So far we manage to withdraw orderly to the west, however the losses were quite high (as you see from Ivanov’s graphs). The plus is that Ivanov didn’t destroyed completely that many units, so we will be able to reinforce them quickly. That damn decision events are not helping but from this turn on, we don’t need to pay 75 MPPs per turn for the Waffen SS units, so again we will earn 460MPPs per turn. This turn we managed to destroy many advancing divisions and armies. We also heavily damaged Soviet Tank Group near Pavlovsk which seemed to advance too quickly. Probably it was not commanded by any HQ and its readiness fell below 50% even before we started to attack it.


    We expect Soviets to attack Rostov in the next turn, as they are gathering many forces on the other bank of Don (including heavy artillery). We’ll see how they manage our defense lines. Especially that from the last turn we have advanced in anti-aircraft defense, therefore Soviets won’t attack our cities so eagerly.


    Our situation in the Baltic States is not good but Gen. Hoepner will receive some reinforcements in the next turn (as promised by OKH). It was observed that the morale and readiness of the attacking Soviet mechanized forces was not very high. It looks like their forefront units may have some supply problems. Army Group ‘Centre’ withdraws smoothly, counterattacking the units of the Red Army. In Kursk perimeter we keep the steady frontline.

  13. Another day and another turn of Titanic struggle against the Soviet hydra which seems to attack us with all its heads at the same time!

    In the north Führer decided to change the person in charge and sent experienced Gen. Hoepner to command the wholly Army Group ‘North’. Hoepner’s objective is to stop Soviet forces from capturing Baltic States. He has limited resources, because facing major Red Army’s offensive in the south, OKH treats Baltic front as secondary. And because of strengthening Sicily and Waffen SS decision event, we still get 100 MPPs less every turn. Yep, definitely May ’43 has been the worst time on the Ostfront since the beginning of Fall Barbarossa.


    In Kursk region, OKH decided to abandon Voronezh as defending the city under these circumstances is pointless. Army Group ‘Centre’ will be withdrawing along with Army Group ‘South’ to keep the frontline.


    Soviet attack focused on the Army Group ‘South’, therefore it received the biggest blows. Nevertheless they managed to withdraw in order and struck back many times, in this turn destroying Soviet Mechanized Corps and making Cavalry Army to retreat (after they suffered 80% casualties). OKH sees that the situation is becoming more and more crucial at this theatre of war and reported this many times to Führer. Germany should focus on strengthening the Ostfront, not some God forsaken Sicily! However Führer has a different opinion and probably nothing will change in terms of MPPs distribution. Therefore it has been decided to withdraw from Borisoglebsk for the same reasons as in case of Voronezh.


  14. The night sky is lighten up by the glows of fires, the air is filled smoke, dust, explosions and humming of the engines. The battle rages on!

    In the north, OKH decided to withdraw from Soltsy in order to build more secured defense line. We also caused severe casualties and lowered the morale to the advancing units, north from Lake Peipus.


    In Kursk perimeter, we destroyed Soviet Mechanized Corps and Division. We abandoning the city, as Soviet reserves seem to be inexhaustible in this area. It will be impossible to keep the city secured.


    Further south, we withdraw, as planned and we destroy advancing Soviet units. This turn we avenged the Mechanized Corps destroyed by the Soviets during the last turn by crushing Tank Group and Cavalry Army. Soviet Southern Front is advancing on Rostov, but in our turn they suffered serious casualties and had to fall.

    WWS air raids against the cities are real pain and neither Fighter squadrons, nor anti-aircraft units are able to stop the Soviet heavy bombers. I can only hope that they also suffer some casualties, during the attacks.



    Meanwhile in Afrika… :(


  15. Alright, the rodeo has started again and frankly, I’m glad Ivanov attacked me because I didn’t intend to do attack him. Our plan for the Soviet offensive in the South is the simplest as it can be: withdraw slowly in order and delay their advance. I intend to keep mechanized and armor units in the second line and counterattack locally to lower Soviet offensive potential. Probably I will lose some terrain in the south but I don’t care much. Finally the Soviets will have to overextend the front or weaken the flanks or both :).

    Okay, but first things first. This turn finally I received Waffen SS units and I must say I am disappointed. They are more experienced than other freshly produced units (one level), but still they are “bare metal” and I will have to invest a lot of MPPs to advance them to the highest tech level. So in result, they will cost me around 1000 MPPs. Additionally in my opinion there should be an HQ coming with these units. Otherwise I have to buy one to use my Waffen SS units efficiently, cause currently all my HQs are managing the maximum number of units and there are no free “slots”. So in my opinion I’ve made a bad deal. Next time I play this scenario, I will use the MPPs to buy additional Infantry and Panzer Corps.


    Moving along to the Army Group ‘South’. We abandoned our positions moving westwards. Local counterattacks were ordered and proceeded successfully. Many Soviet divisions and armies retreated with heavy losses, some of the were destroyed. Here is how the situation looks like north of Morozovsk…


    …and here west of Morozovsk:


    In Kursk region, OKH decided to use the concentrated panzer forces and attack Kursk. Soviet armies defending the city were wiped out, the other one retreated after suffering 70% casualties. However we do not advance, we will stick to the current defense lines, rather expecting the Soviets will try to harass us.


    In the north, there was no major fights. We used heavy rail guns to destroy Narva. We also ordered some local attacks against advancing Soviet units, making two Soviet armies retreat with over 50% casualties.

  16. Looks like Ivanov invested heavily in the development of heavy bombers. I responded with investment in anti-aircraft defense and buying additional fighters units. I hope he will receive bigger damage in each attack, but I can imagine how long and weary this fight will be :). In this turn Luftwaffe raided Soviet heavy bombers units, causing some damage. However Ivanov had a great idea by placing air units in the hills or in the fortified area. I noticed that my attacks against those units are not that effective anymore.


    In Kursk area we punished the enemy army trying to attack our units. It didn’t withdraw and was completely destroyed. It makes OKH sure that Soviet defense lines are very deep, because that unit didn’t have a free spot to run away :). So definitely STAVKA expects our action in Kursk area. I wonder why they are so sure about this…


    In the north, there wasn’t much action in this turn.


    The summer of 1943 is coming. Definitely something is going to happen. Our troops are vigilantly watching the steppes, to see the signs of coming plague…


  17. This weather really upsets OKH… And Gen. von Manstein has already complained to me that his rheumatism has renewed. April should be warm and nice!

    The only news in this turn come from Army Group ‘North’. Looks like the enemy withdrew from Estonia. Maybe the approach of our forces towards Luga was the reason why Ivanov transferred his Tank Group and Mech. Corps to address this threat? Or maybe they were transferred to Kursk perimeter where they spotted Gen. Guderian (or someone alike) and where we are supposed to attack in the next turn ;)? You’ll probably know in some time :cool:.


  18. The weather indeed is not helpful, neither for me, nor for my opponent. It’s April 1943 and during my turn there was some overcast, but still it is too early to start… something in a large scale ;).

    Anyway , there were some events in my turn that are pretty important. First of all, after Rommel’s failure in Africa, OKW decided to strengthen our forces in Italy and Sicilia. It means that Axis Player will start to receive 30 MPPs less every turn (not sure for how long though).


    The second event concerned creating of Waffen SS Panzergrenadier Corps. I said YES, of course, though I must admit that it was a hard choice. It will cost me 750 MPPs (75 MPPs every turn) and I will receive two Mechanized Corps and one Panzer Corps. If you calculate this, it becomes obvious, that if I bought those units without the event, it would cost me less, because around 600 MPPs. However I already reached a production limit for Mechanized units. Of course I could use those MPPs for other units, like Infantry Corps, but I concluded it’s always good to have more Mechanized units. And additionally, I really hope those Panzergrenadier units will be much more experienced than freshly produced ones.


    Apart from this, there wasn’t major fights in my turn. The frontline has been stable for the last three months, but both players gather as much forces as possible. I can imagine what will happen when the spring rains will stop…

  19. It may look that the enemy is attacking us mercilessly and we don’t know how to stop them. In fact it is not how it really is. With the exception of losing Narva in the last turn, most of our actions were planned. There is no point in attacking Soviets now, because due to heavy weather such attacks won’t bring any effect, they will just lower the readiness of our units. So we let the Soviets cheer about so-called “successes” in the north and centre. For now.

    Losing Narva was very unpleasant surprise for OKH, because it will be easier for Soviets to attack the Baltic States. We must not let them them do this. So we regrouped the left flank of Army Group ‘North’ and will base our defense on the Lake Peipus line. We also intend to strengthen Luftwaffe forces in this area, so that we can support our units.


    Group Army ‘South’ is reorganizing its defense lines. There is no point in extending the frontline so much here. We can use those units in our offensive plans in the coming spring. It looks like this now (Ivanov, don’t look!).


    Here is the proof that Führer is the greatest artist of the 20th Century. He painted his self-portrait and sent it as a gift to OKW (it was hung in the main hall). Gen. Keitel was honestly touched, he cried the whole night when he saw it. Now the painting inspires the generals in OKW for the harder work!


  20. I’m not sure what sort of information Ivanov received about Kursk defenders, but I am certain there is no Kampfgruppe Chocolate around, in fact such Kampfgruppe doesn’t exist at all :). Maybe Koba should make another purge within GRU, because it looks like they feed him with fairy tales…

    Well, losing Kursk definitely shocked Führer and his Bavarian court, but wasn’t that surprising for OKH. The division defending the city was attacked by the whole Bryansk Front, including both Tank Groups, one mechanized corps and couple of infantry armies. No doubt it was not possible to withstand such a pressure. On the other hand, our defenses around the city remained intact. We are pretty sure we manage to maintain the current frontline until Spring when we plan to retake the city. It is impossible now due to heavy snowing and frost.

    No changes on the two other theatres of war, therefore there won’t be any screenshots this turn.

    At the end of our turn we receive a technology boost in Anti-tank defense. Around March/April 1943 the new anti-tank units should arrive on the front and Soviet Tank Groups will feel the superior German technology on their own butts!

  21. The loss of Tank Corps near Kursk was rather annoying than painful. The weather didn’t let our Luftwaffe eagles to patrol the sky above Army Group ‘Centre’. On the other hand the Soviet Air Forces had no problems with flying above our heads. Mr. Zhukov what kind of dirty trick is that, huh? Maybe you researched Weather-Influencing-Technology in your secret lab on the Lomonosov University in Moskau? Doesn’t matter, we knew you were a scumbag long before that.

    Red Army is eagerly approaching our positions in the North and Centre, hoping to gain some advantage because of the winter. This year we are better prepared, there was no shock among our troops when -30 degree temperature came. What’s more important, unlike in 1941, our Panzerwaffe seems to be coping well with the extreme frost. Looks like our engineers (who are the best of the best, of course) managed to discover engine lubricants that do not freeze in such inhuman temperature. Though I was a bit afraid , reading through abukede’s Official Walkthrough to AOC. Losing 2000 MPPs due to winter is hardcore:


    Anyway, the Soviet forces didn’t manage to capture any important cities in our defense lines, although the infantry division defending Kursk was attacked by two Tank Groups, one Mech. Corps and all of that with heavy artillery support. After the end of attack our brave soldiers started to rebuild the entrenchment. Along with the frozen ground, it won’t make it easy for the Soviets in case they want to seize the city.


    In the north we attacked the Soviet army advancing towards Lugo. After losing 60% of their strength, they panicky escaped.


    In the south we finally managed to recon enemy lines from the air. Well, look at that troops concentration around Kropotkin, looks very nice! It doesn’t make me feel like attacking them at all ;).



    We are looking to 1943 with hope and with rising excitation. Because the victory will be ours!


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