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Posts posted by Terrier

  1. Hello Hubert, I think Rabelesius is on to something here. I just shut down a game (playing Entente at 2nd difficulty level in Call to Arms) and was quickly in very very deep trouble.

    In late 1914, in Serbia, the Austrians suddenly produced 2 more corps and two more cavalry - half of which I despatched, but here's the kicker - the next turn they showed up again, brought friends with them, and five more Austrian corps showed up with... 11 German corps in an offensive towards Warsaw. This is all additional to the normal complement in the area. I was impressed, and worried.

    Now, this could have been explained by a German focus on the Eastern front, right? Except that the French were getting hammered by over 40 corps - which were constantly replaced. Remember, this is between late 1914 and early 1915.

    If you're still thinking I'm out to lunch, the kicker is the Ottomans - by their third turn at war they had 16 corps in the field. That's impressive, and quite unbalanced. Not bad for the sick man of Europe.

    I'd review the effect of the funds increase as it's unbalancing the game. A modest uptick would be challenging, but this is well beyond that.

    Also - another question for you: What triggers the mobilization of the Bulgarians? Ostensibly it's supposed to be Austrian progress in Serbia (is it not?), but how are you measuring that? I've had the Bulgarians enter the war as early as end of January 1915 (ten months earlier than real time), without the Austrians having made ANY progress - not even taken Belgrade. If war entry is based on a formula of Serbian unit losses, that's not helping - particularly if the Russian focus is on grinding the Austrians to a halt in Serbia (and paying big money to do it). Conversely - the Romanians never seem to join in on my side when I play Entente, but do come in if I play Centrals. Same gripe with Diplomacy - invested 3 chits in Norway - with not 1 hit in 3 years. Not a big loss of cash, but this result is not wildly atypical.

    You'll also like this: I love the unit swap, it's actually extensible. First attacker gets swapped out with 2nd tier line. Third tier (or adjacent unit) then picks a swap with an unmoved neighbour..... then moves cursor over the first line unit that already moved... and swaps the first liner all the way to the back. Using this trick I move a unit multiple times. Now, it's not an unrealistic feat to move a unit to the rear - particularly not in the time frame represented by a turn - I just thought others might want to know this was possible as it does help keep your fit units to the front.

    Thanks for putting together a great update, look forward to the next patch and evolution of this winner. Cheers.

  2. I've also seen one national morale bug but it may be different. While I did have the display enabled of morale locations, it manifested when as Germans I accepted the decision to abandon cruiser rules and attack British trade. A few turns after this I slipped a sub onto an icon in the South West coast of the UK and the UK morale plummeted by about 40%. The UK morale continued to drop precipitously. I had saved the game and reloaded, so I restarted and the error did not re-surface. Hope this is helpful.

  3. Hello, I am also experiencing this error repeatedly when playing Cantona's mod (which is of quite high quality I must say). On occasion the error occurs on the very first turn, other times a handful of turns into a game. Opening an autosave or previous saved game and adjusting scripts, changing play, all have no effect - the error recurs at the same time on all occasions. I had previously saved the mod after updating to 1.02 - running all the script update options as well.

    Can anyone comment on the root cause? Is there a fix or work around? Appreciate any input. Thanks

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