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Posts posted by drexil

  1. There's naturally a difference of opinions on what players like in their games. Having GOOD campaigns of different flavors is one of the huge attractions of CMx for me. The sheer variety in designer styles shows how much effort goes in to these battles. Probably a good thing to keep in mind when critiquing any campaign or battle.

    This has to be one of the most difficult camps that I have ever played and I think PT has done an excellent job on the battles and the innovative format. I'd love to see more like this with the reactive difficulty and the blend of resupply and force starvation. It makes every casualty hurt but (hopefully) doesn't dead-end your game.

    Not a huge fan of tight time limits myself, but I will admit that clocking up a win in the last 1 or 2 minutes can feel rewarding. Being more used to the US force playstyle I found it much more difficult to develop fire superiority and deliver casualty-cheap assaults. A lot of force wastage just moving around with the odd poor bugger getting clipped, which hurts the Scots more than I'm used to.

    Losing the section bren on a long march and not recovering is is painful. Did that a few too many times. Is it my imagination or is the gunner a bullet magnet ... must a close relative to any unbuttoned tank commander.

    The Brit armor feels extremely weak in the major tank battles on veteran. It felt like they have no punch and no survivabilty compared to panthers. A match for the IV's but far too weak vs panthers. Slower, under armored, less deadly makes some of the engagements depressing. It could be I'm managing them poorly too. A couple of TDs mixed in to threaten the enemny armor might have helped me.

    I found there were a couple of quirks in some maps. Buildings that units refused to use the front door to exit, preferring to wander through a known minefield. And an intersection of two different road types that vehicles refused to path through. Maybe an obstacle that wasn't displaying rendering? Either way, those are ridiculously minor complaints on a campaign so large, varied and detailed.

    Currently stuck on mission 14 veteran with NO IDEA how I'm going to avoid a thrashing. But when I do, I think I'll screenshot the summary and make it my wallpaper. And if I can't beat it, I'll make a fortune selling Churchill scrap metal to my German overlords.

    Thanks kindly for the great work.

  2. Yes, the CM games are a bit more expensive than the average computer game you might purchase at Wal-Mart or Bust Buy ... <snip>

    Its not more expensive than AA release games in my part of the world. Many new release titles run to $90 or $100 here. I have played battles in some camps for longer than it took to complete other games (or lose interest in them).

    Spectacular value when I think of the enjoyment I have had from the CMx series.

  3. Could it be that there are a number of weapons and weapon mounts on the front of the Panther? Not all the hits might be against the main gun.

    I would also have thought that an AT round hit on a gun would be nasty. The tube would not withstand an impact meant to drive through solid plate. Or am I showing my ignorance?

    I did up a testing scenraio for various US AT weapons vs Axis armor at different ranges and aspects if someone wants to do some testing.

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