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Posts posted by Adam106

  1. Adam106 - do you have a source for the first use date for the M1919A6? Because the official TOE as of February 1944 had the 1919A6 in the squads - with the TOE actually 2 each, the 2nd to be "used as directed", presumably meaning pooled or LOB as a spare sometimes, etc. The gun itself was designated - adopted in 1943.

    I've always been under the impression that the A6 was not introduced until after Normandy. Of all the books about the Airborne in Normandy I've read, they all will state the A4 as the version used. A lot of sources will positively state that the A6 wasn't issued until Sep' 44 and Holland. That includes memoirs from troopers themselves, some of whom desparately tried to hold on to the A4 during MARKET, as they felt it was the better weapon.

    TO&E's are sometimes misleading as changes in written literature weren't always implemented by units on the date/period indicated. Likewise changes that were implemented by units sometimes didn't get updated on the TO&E for months.

    In my opinion (not that it counts for much...) the M1919A4 would be the accurate option for this time period.

    Gammon grenades are mentioned in dozens of first hand accounts of US and British Paras in Normandy. They may not have knocked out many tanks but they should still be there. (One sources I've got claims that 80% of the German armor knocked out at Arnhem was by the Gammon bomb. They were effective...)


  2. I'm having a blast with the game so far but I'd like to raise two issues that gripe me a little.

    Playing around with Parachute Infantry in the quick battles it seems they don't have access to Gammon grenades. These were important anti-tank grenades issued to American airborne infantry for Normandy and would I imagine give them a slight edge in any close combat with German light and medium vehicles.

    As specialised weapons I expected to have them as a piece of equipment in the info tab. Does the game assume their use when in close contact with enemy armor? A sort of grenade bonus against vehicles?

    If I remember correctly separate Gammon grenades were in CMBO....

    Second thing is the LMG in parachute infantry squads. As per the Feb '44 TO&E you've got 2 squads per platoon - great, I really appreciate all the research that's gone into TO&E's in the game so far. But.... the MG should be the M1919A4 variant in Normandy. As far as I'm aware no unit had the A6 until september(ish). First use was in MARKET GARDEN I believe.

    Is this a game issue - the A4 being coded as a crew served weapon and not suitable for use within a rifle squad? If so the decision to go with the A6 is understandable, if not historically accurate. It's a bit of a shame and it would be great if it could be changed.

    Sorry to nit pick - I'm loving the rest of the game so far.


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