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Posts posted by GreenGriffin

  1. but here an advice from a veteran - especially when looking at your performance as a commander in the parking-lot exercise :) - even for a flanking shot never expose your tank more than 15 seconds !!!! Usually 10 seconds is enough to ID the target, to aim and to shoot. The panther turret turns 360 degrees in 15 to 45 seconds ... so as soon as you expose your tank you have something between 5 and 15 seconds until the panther has zoomed in on you :D so better be quick to get back into cover again ...

    Hey, I wasn't "parking" my men there lol. Only the two Shermans were supposed to be sitting there to watch the road. The men were crossing paths on the way to their respective routes when they all got caught in the nasty ka-boom :(

    Yes, I'm definitely taking a shot with the M10, then scooting back out of sight. Rinse and repeat. Working pretty well so far. Or, I try to keep hull down, but I find that difficult to do reliably.

  2. I'm sorry, I actually don't remember which scenario this is. This happened over a year ago, and I just found the footage after believing it had been accidently deleted awhile back.

    I'm pretty sure it's a stock scenario, since I never installed any user made ones until very recently.

    Does anyone else know? I do remember it was a challenging but very fun battle. Well, until this happened lol.

  3. Gents,

    Easily my most embarrassing moment in a long history with the Combat Mission series.

    Preparing to get the last of my troops over the bridge in the photo, I set a sort of staging area for them to queue up before moving them across in teams with covering fire.

    Just when I think I've secured the opposite end of the bridge and the coast is clear, an antitank round comes screaming from a nicely hidden spot all the way down the road (top left corner of the picture) and hits the lead Sherman. The resulting explosion kills or wounds 26 men that were, at that very moment, passing too closely to one another as they got into position. I have video of it too, but I'll have to upload it later.

    I wanted to cry.

    Anyone else ever make this kind of catastrophic blunder?


  4. Hey fellas,

    I used to be a regular around here from CMBO straight through to CMAK, then lost interest when the series moved into modern warfare.

    Anyway, even this many years later I'm getting a huge sense of deja vu checking the Battlefront homepage and the forums every 15 minutes waiting for news on the release of Normandy!

    Maybe if we start chanting in unison, we can speed this along.


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