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Max (Dandelion)

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Posts posted by Max (Dandelion)

  1. Yeah, he was cool. That great quote about the biker bar...



    I miss you too gentlemen. Seems like a whole lifetime ago, sometimes.

    But wait a minute. We don't have to do this. I'm back. :)

    And they've redecorated the place! Great! I really like orange. And there are lot's of new functions in the post-editor. Very nice. Say, have any of you actually figured out why they do this? I mean why this company keeps making an effort at making life comfortable for us, and allow us to gather on their premises? I've always found it odd. One might eventually get the impression they actually like Grognards. :)

    And that'd be really odd. :D

    Seriously though, it wouldn't have been any point in coming back here had you not been here. Seeing your names and posts in here just makes me smile. And it suddenly seems impossible to be very serious about anything.

    But, having said that -we really must stop seeing eachother like this. In the threads of Trolls. We should move on. Get threads of our own, make lots of small posts in them. What say you?


    Whos actual name is Maximillian but I guess that label is weaker than my nick in here :o

    Just glad I din't choose "noob" as nick back eight years ago...

  2. Ah yes, what a great lineup that was! JasonC is still around but the rest seem to have gone into hiding. Speaking of which, where is Dandelion? And does he know that WW II is back up on the block?


    He just might, Michael. He just might. :)

    Haven't forgotten any of you either. Long and deep has been my sleep of late. Who could've imagined it'd take so many years before the sequel. I feel like an old tree in thaw in here, half surprised to be wakening.

    Good to see your name and text here again Michael. I particularly remember how beneficial and pleasurable your friendly and polite tone always was during the debates. Good to be back.


    Or should that say The poster formerly known as Dandelion?

    Or just Max?

    Anyway, it's me.

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