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Posts posted by Pwnado

  1. I have a pretty cruddy setup in my opinion, except for the video card, and I'm running it at 1920x1080 using HDMI on a 32inch LCD TV with max graphic settings on every option and haven't noticed anything that I consider to be performance loss.

    My System:

    CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ - Dual Core - 2.6 GHz

    Memory: 2GB DDR2

    Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 5870

    Now I haven't tried it at lower settings or even checked the FPS, but I usually don't do that unless I notice below average or worse performance. I find that when tweaking graphics its easier for me to start out at max and then lower settings until I stop seeing "chug." I have yet to see chug in this game... But I've only played single player, so performance could be different during real time multiplayer when I can't pause, and also when playing larger scenarios in the full release version.

  2. I just ran a quick test, walking your men through another squad's area fire does nothing. So there's no 'friendly fire' there. So whatever changes they made to friendly casualties is considerably more subtle than that. Maybe ricochets are treated as shrapnel, I don't know. Something got changed - a bit - since CMSF.

    Well, I'm going to pretend that friendly fire exists anyway... That way if it ever gets snuck in, it won't surprise me because I won't have a habit of running my troops through friendly fields of fire simply because the game allows them to be impervious to bullets fired from their buddies. :P

  3. Friendly fire possibilities never crossed my mind until I stupidly ordered a group of 3-4 to advance in a forward, but diagonal direction...which lead them to cross through the fire of a forward firing BAR team set on area fire. I issued the order while paused and must not have been thinking it was firing because I didn't see tracer fire on screen. Obviously, it was mid-burst... I panned over to the other side of the screen for a split section and then panned back just in time to see the rear most man in the diagonally advancing group fall to the ground at the same time the BAR team was firing VERY near them. I immediately thought he took friendly fire and cursed myself for not paying better attention. Now that I'm reading there is a possibility that friendly fire ISN'T in the game, I'm now curious about this myself.

  4. Congratulations on your first post (and I am looking forward to Moon's reply).

    On the WW2 wargames you haven't played, I hope one of them isn't Steel Panthers

    If you haven't played it you should check it out. Steel Panthers was almost responsible for my failing company accounting (the real reason I failed was because the subject was stupidly hard and, lets say, undifferentiated laziness).

    If you don't need great graphics then Steel Panthers is right up your street.

    I HAVE NOT played this game yet... The last hex based computer game I played was back when I was ten years old. It was a Civil War game, but I do not recall its title... Yes I was an odd child... While I loved playing football and other sports, I also loved duking it out on the virtual battlefield at a very early age. As far as board games go, most kids preferred "Sorry!" I preferred "Axis and Allies." :) Though the pool of opponents I had only numbered between zero and two... :mad: I'll give Steel Panthers a shot, as I noticed they have a free edition. :D Thanks for the recommendation!

    29? It better not be 30 because we will have a new Downfall video with Hitler complaining he wont get to play the game :D

    LMAO I love the numerous Downfall videos...

    For those who liked Steel Panthers (like myself) you will really like the Quick Battle buy system in Battle for Normandy. It's nostalgic. Even the interface looks similar. You can see it in action here:


    And I'd like to thank you for providing that first AMAZING video AAR and now for a second video. I watched the first one straight through, LOL, and will be doing the same for the second one. Keep them coming!!! It's the only thing keeping me from going completely crazy waiting for this game... :P

    The release date at the site in question is now 29th of april.......

    Yeah, that website must be run by a bunch of fatheads...

  5. Hello Everyone!

    This is my first post on the forum, so I thought I'd try to make it a good one. As everyone is already aware, as far as I know, at this moment, there has yet to be a definitive release date given. All I've seen is TBA 2011 or around "the end of April."


    It probably doesn't mean much, but I found a website that lists the release date as April 26.

    Now, I'm not sure how reliable it is, as I've seen countless instances where a release date has been officially announced and some websites still list the wrong date. Also, I've never even heard of the website before, LOL. However, regardless of it's reliablitiy, I thought it might be fun to throw my "guesstimate" into the ring of release date predictions. :)

    Plus, I thought it might help out those who are looking for every bit of information they can find in efforts to learn of the official release date as fast as possible.

    Here's the website: http://games.gamepressure.com/game_info.asp?ID=16125

    And since this is my first post, I guess I'll introduce myself. :P I'm 24 years old and while I enjoy video games in general, I truly enjoy good war games, and especially ones that involve WW2. While I can't give out a monster list of games that I've played, (cuz I haven't played that many) I can say that I don't consider myself to be apart of the "Call of Duty Click Fest L337 Gamer" group. I despise that group, LOL. While I enjoy great graphics, I don't NEED great graphics. I much prefer realism and being forced to use tactics and strategy.

    As far as Combat Missions goes, I haven't played any of the series. However, this didn't stop me from preordering CM:BN. I preordered ten days after it was announced, :( but I blame my late purchase on the fact that I didn't know that the Combat Missions series even existed. Which is a shame, since I have no doubt that it would have made the last ten years much more enjoyable. :D I read the information that was posted about the game along with a few reviews of previous games in the series, and I was immediately hooked and preorded as fast as I could.

    I've been reading the forum for the past month and finally decided to make my first post. I've really enjoyed what I've seen so far and look forward to more. :)

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