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Posts posted by fmj

  1. Nope, this sounds like someone willing to put a value on his entertainment and determine if the pricing is in line with it. There's no argument with that. Never should be either.


    Thank you very much for your reply and efforts to produce a great game with continued efforts on improvement. I was a little put-off by the 2.0 patch dl expiring in one year, so thanks for clarifying.

    Will purchase the 2.0 dl (even though I have the fancy collectors case holder). Ten $s is plenty reasonable for continued work, improvements, features, and upgrades. Especially considering the game has been patched several times. I look fwd to the next in series and maybe even F.Italy. Best wishes for the hollidays and on projects forward. Regards.

  2. There is nothing stopping you from backing up any of your DLs from Battlefront (including the 2.0 upgrade) to a drive or disk.

    Cool, good to know. Purchased both CMBN/CW as dl plus discs. Wanted to make sure the 2.0 dl was in a patch form that can be saved, re-used, and would not expire in one year. Will BF stand by this?

    Seeing as I purchased CMBN well over a year ago, I'd be mighty annoyed to have an "expired" version that could not be used.

  3. It is not surprising that we have people complaining about the $10 charge for a MAJOR upgrade to CMBN. Also not surprising that it amounts to people wanting something for nothing.


    I definately do not want anything from BF for free. Much depends on the pricing of MG module combined with 2.0 upgrade (aka dlc).

    I'm not excited that I have to purchase something extra for CMBN/CW to play M.Garden. Hence I may in fact purchase neither, and you lose a customer x2, really depends on MG pricing.


    CMBN for $60+$10(s&h)= $70 on 04/16/11

    CW for $45+$10(s&h)= $55 on 06/03/11

    total for both= $125

    Also purchased all the old CM mission games waayyyy back.

    I like hard discs for my games so I don't have to deal with 1yr DL expiration dates which I think is lame. So do I want to pay $10+($10 s&h)= $20 for 2.0? Not really. Especially if that means another $55 to play your next module MG. Which would bring that to $75ish bucks.

    I appreciate BFs work on patches and continuing the series. But I do not want to feel like I must purchase an upgrade to CMBN/CW to play (buy) the next MG module.

    With all that said, can I purchase the 2.0 upgrade for $10 and burn it to my own disc so i don't have to think about the 1yr expiration? $20 for the 2.0 disc seems a tad high for me. I also passed on CM fortress italy as I felt CMBN/CW in its current state was not really doing it for me, which 2.0 may have addressed. Please consider carefully your pricing on upgrades, especially if they hinge on buying the next seperate game module alltogether.

    So if 2.0 can be dl'd and saved to disc for $10 bucks, and MG module is priced around CW pricing, then I will likely purchase both and possibly F.Italy at some point. If that sounds like nitpicking and trying to "get something for nothing" then I think I will pass on future purchases from BF and you will have lost a loyal customer.

  4. I hadn't played the game in a while. I stopped playing due to frustration and overall lack of fun.

    I'm not asking for CM to be easy, that would be boring. But this is not realistic, and certainly not fun.

    While I haven't completely given up on the game, I have stopped playing for months and haven't really gotten the gumption back to play again, but who knows, maybe I'll pick it up again?

    Numerous gameplay factors knocked the wind out,

    -huge battles that felt more like a chore

    -strange ai behavior

    -scripted events

    -unreasonable time constraints

    -contrived funnel battles

    Definately encourage checking out Achtung Panzer Operation Star. It really has a hell of alot going for it in terms of gameplay, strategy, realism AND fun. Its inexpensive, has great patch support and DLC. Might be a nice mix when CMBN gets irritating and tired. I have yet to get tired of Op Star, and regularly get my ass handed to me by the dynamic a.i.

  5. So you appreciate all our hardwork then ?


    Awww, does someones ego need wanking?

    I like how you conveniently edited what I said, which was "with some of these contrived maps and ego designs." Emphasis is on SOME not all. Did you enjoy working on the game and your paycheck? You did get paid yes? I've bought both releases. Not sure if I'll buy a third. Close Combat series has adjustable time limits, Achtung Panzer, particularly Op Star, blows CMBN features away, at half the retail price. Again far more options and features.

    Simply stated, I think more options for each gamers playing style is a better feature and will ultimately add to the success of the franchise, which hopefully will put money in your pocket too.

    I've been a long time climber and have "put up" new routes myself. Some routes that climbers develop are incredibly esthetic and a joy to climb. Others are contrived, forced, and downright unpleasant. These scenario designs are no different. For those of you who are adamantly opposed to more options (player being able to adjust time limit) just because you think it will make the game easier, then I'd say your being an egotistical blowhard. Its a game...play it any way you like and respect that others have different styles and approaches they enjoy as well. An optional feature is just that, optional, use it if you like. Campaigns in particular for adjustable time OPTION...

  6. 1) There are different levels of difficulty ("realism") options for each player to choose.

    2) There are different styles of play for each player to choose. Real time or turn-based.

    3) Why the hell is there not an adjustable time limit option for each player to choose vs. A.I.?

    Design your mission any fricking way you want and simply state in notes what time limit is optimal for said mission, simple. The massive size of some of these battles (micro-management headache) is simply not enjoyable with certain time restrictions.

    Most of the time I don't want my gaming experience to be "work" and rushing frantically around the battlefield, I'd rather chill the f-ck out and have some fun, but thats currently not an option especially with some of these contrived maps and ego designs.

    Adjustable time would be an excellent optional feature, minimize frustration, and enhance replayable gaming.

  7. Well hopefully there will be an easier way to deploy troop placement at the beginning of scenarios, something similar to C.Combat placement/deployment. Waiting for troops to "move" to a location to determine LOS, and if thats where I want them to start, is tedious and obnoxious.

    Any way to change the time from 45min to something longer in the training mission? (Edit- strange there is no option to adjust time)

    Any way to start turn-based vs real time options? (havent found this in the manual yet)

  8. How the fack do you deploy troops, in terms of placing them where I want, at the beginning of battle. Isn't there a way to deploy them or place them at a different location then where they are initially located at start? Hot keys makes no mention of deploy options...left click drag doesn't work?

    The first training mission is locked at 45 mins? How can i change the time as I'm struggling to figure out the UI and movement orders etc?

  9. Thanks, except my cc address is up to date and my secret # is valid, been using both cards regularly. Received 2 errors on payment confirmation- fraud mssg, and some "overflow" mssg.

    No worries, for now I will not purchase the game as intended *(yesterday) and will wait for reviews instead. Seems like something is definately not right w/battlefront payment system.

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