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Posts posted by Nullified

  1. Just my two cents worth here. I think we all need to remember that no matter what nation you come from you're just a human. Sure the Wehrmacht produced some stellar men but so did the Russians, the Americans, the British, the Canadians, the Italians... I mean at the individual level there was heroics throughout the war.

    But what I try to remember is these men experienced fear, doubt, anger, racism, happiness. All things that are around today, and no matter what flag they were fighting for we need to respect the fact that they spent a good matter of time in mud, rain and snow with bullets flying and friends dieing. I have a good family friend who was a member of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front and he saw not only his friends but just fellow soldiers gunned down all around him. He isn't a super-human German, he is just a broken old man who served his country when it called him and I respect that. Things about inherrent ability being linked to bloodlines or races leads to mistakes such as those Japs can't fly planes or even perform night raids, those squinty eyes arn't any good at night!

    *queue effective night ambush on British/Americans in Pacific Theatre*

    I do realize that you're argueing about operational doctrine but as a wargamer it's easy to think of the men that fought as just pixels/assets to be allocated around.

  2. I have to say I easily understand both sides here. My steam collection has slowly been growing, the store is addicting and it solves a problem I have; I always lose CD's after a few years! BUT Steam is annoying, games are often buggy and things that work fine for a CD copy (mods etc.) always end up being a challenge to work with a Steam version or just don't work at all. Just a quick hint for people that don't know, if you are having internet troubles and want to play your steam games there is an offline mode. I have even LAN'ed a game I owned on steam with my brother by going in offline mode and booting it up and then him logging in and playing from my account in online mode. So there are workarounds but you have to live with the fact that convenience comes with a price. And that's Steam having a grip on YOUR games.

  3. Hey guys,

    I've been playing alot of Men of War lately and somehow stumbled upon this title and decided to download the demo and give it a try. I really love the premise of the game and really really want to get into it. Unfortunately the demo had some buggy aspects to it.

    Besides various pathfinding issues which arn't really that big of a deal the main gripe I had was the extreme challenge in dealing with infantry in trenches. After bringing infantry up to the trenches they often have issues actually entering the trench and even if they manage to get in they rarely shoot anyone and run this awkward zig-zag through the clear trenches to die a horrible death in melee or just standing there. Tanks are no help at all either which doesn't bother me as much but the infantry movement and AI in the trenches does bother me.

    A smaller gripe is dealing with emplacements/infantry that open fire and reveal themselves to only disappear from view later. I appreciate the realism but that causes me to ask should I be using attack ground command in almost all cases. Since rushing to give an attack command but missing the actual target since it faded away seconds earlier causes my vehicles etc to rush out of position as if I commanded them to banzai charge the suspected location of that anti-tank emplacement.

    That being said I realize it is a demo and in various reviews most people were impressed by the ai so I decided to come to the community and ask if the full game with patches is much improved over the demo. And if the infantry combat can approach anything like that in Men of War.

    Thanks alot, and hopefully I can be convinced to buy this game and take my next step further into simulation war gaming. :D

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